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Benjamin Freedman Speaks: A Jewish Defector Warns America .. Your one stop source for related information of the Zionist control of the United States, media, the 9-11 connection, the zionist war on iraq and related issues.

updated 11/2003, with newer links near top

You can always tell the true rulers of any society. They are the ones that you are not allowed to criticize.

Control the media and control the people.

My attempt is to make a one stop website that links to other informational websites on these issues. Here are a few of those websites:

The Liberty Forums
If you become a member and begin reading the posts here, it will put the information on this often forgotten site of mine to shame. Highly recommended you get to know these forums.

Benjamin Freedman Speaks: A Jewish Defector Warns America
This may have been why you came to this website in the first place. This is a brilliant speech given by a brilliant man, a jew who broke from organized jewry after being at the highest levels of jewish organizations, to expose their true agenda. Lengthy, Very Factual, Detailed, and HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.

Benjamin Freedman Speaks: The Hidden Tyranny
If you came to this site for the speech above, you should also read this speech given by him. It goes in depth on the circumstances involving the first and second World Wars and the jewish influence, including the reason we entered WW1 in the first place. Very Detailed, Very Long, and HIGHLY RECOMMENDED

Stop the wall campaign
Site dedicated to the cause of stopping the building of the Israeli barrier/security wall which merely takes over more land that is not theirs, cutting off palestinians from their hometowns and further aggrevating the situation there.

A Wealth of information at this website. If you are looking for information, you will find more then you can possibly use at this website. Very Highly Recommended you visit this site.

No War For Israel
Meet some of the people you want to defend. Take a look at the host of UN resolutions Israel has violated..and see why the war on iraq is a war for israel, and nothing more... great site.

Stop Military Aid to
Sigh the petition and take a look at some of the reasons that you should not support israel, the country that does not have american interests in mind, or global interests, for that matter.

The Birth of Israel
Most American's don't know the circumstances involving the birth of what we know as "Israel" in the late 1940's... here's a little history lesson courtesy of the BBC.

An independant investigation of 9-11 and the war on terrorism courtesy of an anonymous person and the website Rather shocking what our government is capable of under jewish control. Of course, you decide if it's true or not. In depth, very factual, and recommended.

The Untouchable Israelis
A great commentary on how invincible Israel is in the eyes of the media and the United States government.

Fox News Series on Israeli Spying in the US
The transcript of the entire 4 part series that aired December 11-14, 2001 on Fox News.

'Facts are Facts' by Benjamin Freedman
I have yet to fully read this extremely long and extremely detailed letter that talks about many aspects of Jewish history. Here it is for you, written by Benjamin Freedman himself.

The International Jew by Henry Ford
A book written by Henry Ford... rather long... I don't have any further information on this to provide you.

How Isreali Terrorism Caused 911
They didn't attack us because they "hate our freedom." Read the rest of the story the United States media would not tell you about. Recommended.

National Alliance Weekly Radio Broadcasts
Call this organization what you may, these weekly radio broadcasts provide a large source of factual information on the zionist negative influence on the United States... Archived for your downloading pleasure.

The Jews, and the Jews in England, by Anthony Ludovici
Discusses the history of the Jews and the Jews in England throughout history.

Nationalist free press
Publishes weekly commentary often relating to the past history of the jews in relation to present situations. Probably deserves more of a look then I give it.

Isreali Terrorism Doesn't Make News
Good article talking about exactly what is mentioned above.

Who actually owns the US media?
This is a lengthy, fact filled article about the people behind the corporations that run the media. Worth a look for the uninformed or the typical American. ;)

US Supports Israeli Terror
This is a good informational article on the real state of Isreal/US policy. It mentions the media bias, massive funding of Isreal, and the terror Isreal commits, which far surpasses anything the Palestinians do to the Isrealis.

Article on Who Controls the Media and America
This is a large, yet well organized article on who controls our media, and thus controls the country in the process. Recommended Read.

Homicide Rates by Race
These statistics are from the Bureau of Justice, a government organization in which it's very hard to find real crime statistics based on race because of the agenda of the jewish, some leftists, and the media. Very Good article for debunking the mainstream views of multiculturalism and the lies of white on black racism in the United States. (Black on White crime actually occurs more often) Highly Recommended.

The Hypocrisy of Jewish Supremacism
See some of the nationalist policys of Isreal in action with this article, and see how hypocritical they are in what they preach vs. what they practice. (and what our media doesn't report) Good Read. story on 5 isrealis filming the trade center attack and smiling
Just what the link says... you don't find stories like this in the big 3 networks very often for obvious reasons.Highly Recommended for people who might be skeptical on this issue to take a look at.

Israel's "Ethnic Bomb"
Reported London Sunday Times, this is a biological weapon that takes advantage of the genetics of the Isreali to ONLY target arabs, while Jews in Isreal remain immune. Interesting Article.

The World's Nuclear Arsenal (May 2000)
An article by the BBC on the world's nuclear arsenal. It mentions Isreal's refusal to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty of 1970. It lists Isreal as having 100 warheads, which is rather dated, because they have many more now.

More of Isreal's Policy in Action
Very shocking article if I may say so, on the policys of Isreal from somebody that visited and lived in the country.

My Thoughts on this Issue

My thoughts on this issue, and how I became to believe what I first discounted as rhedoric... not quite finished yet.

This was a very minor update to simply add the liberty forums to my links. If you go there, there will be no need to update this site anymore.. you'll get all the information you need. We all know how the war in iraq went by now, no weapons were found, and now were stuck occupying a soverign nation for Israel's sake costing us lives and billions of dollars, and for what? Are we any safer? Did we preserve american freedom? Ask yourselves why the arabs and muslims hate us? Could it be our killing them, occupying their nations, herding them into concentration camps, or supporting people who do?

Why are we doing this to ourselves? If we would simply stop funding the Isreali terror and GET OUT OF THE MIDDLE EAST, we would be a terror free nation, not hated by so much of the world for our hypocracy. But no, the zionists, who control the government and the media, would rather start world war 3 before they give in to global interests. This is a dangerous situation we are in, the united states and israel, being enemies of the world... and it will only get more dangerous and their grip on us tightens. If North Korea has learned anything, it's not to disarm to a country that has no honor. The United States better learn when to mind it's own business, or should I say, the american people better wake up, and root out the zionist corruption and deception that is ever present in the United States, before it leads to a world war. Please read the information here and at the above websites in their entirety before making any blanket statements about what you think it may be about... this information is important. I used to think that everybody that mentioned the Zionists in this manner was absolutely crazy, or using the catch words so popular in this country: "anti-sematic" or "anti-zionist." (funny there are plenty of anti-arabs in this country but that's not a catch phrase, and even funnier, is that the jews in israel today are NOT semites, not related to the jews of biblical times) After all, look at the establishments that have been brainwashing my opinions my whole life. 9-11 changed all that, and sparked my interest in this topic. Fox New's stories on the Isreal spy ring furthered my interest, until I arrived at this site you see here, which is meant to spread this information to as many as possible.

Everything the media has told you will indicate that Isreal is a strong Allie and the zionists are an oppressed people, worthy of our sympathy. Nothing could be farther from the truth. In fact, zionists collectively control more money and have more power than any other people in the world. Some of the sites may seem racist by everything you have been told by the mainstream media, but just read, and ponder the information you obtain without coming to hasty conclusions. There is nothing racist about simply exposing what is going on in a truthful manner. (remember that Isreal itself is a nationalist state where non jews cannot own land) Information will come from a variety of sources, from the national alliance to David Duke the world socialist forum, or the BBC.(all over the political spectrum)

Although most of the people you find who are anti zionists will be outside the United States.

If you find the information fascinating, please share this site with others... I make no money off of it. I am simply trying to spread the word around about this rather unknown and somewhat controversial issue. Make a mirror site of your own, and copy this information on my site exclusively that is not copyrighted word for word if you wish... the revolution is upon us. All information on this site and related sites is archived just in case the powers that be attempt to censor my first amendment rights... so be on the lookout for mirrors in the future if that happens!

Keep the internet free! Support causes that oppose online regulation and censorship wherever you find it, or sites like this will disappear completely!

Organized Organizer Political Activist Guide for People of European Descent / Organizing 101 Media Nothing holds more power than the mass media. Its ability to influence the minds and behaviors of people is greatly underestimated. The tv is most people's view of the outside world. In a movie theater, the hypnotic illusion placed on the movie screen seems very real to us. The radio keeps our mind occupied when we can't watch tv. Your daily newspaper gives you all the news that "fits". The mass media projects the illusion of reality to millions of viewers. It focuses on one story that promotes one agenda but ignores dozens of other stories that promote the opposite. The viewers of mass media get a distorted view of reality rules in every democracy. This is why the mass media promotes wars that spread democracy. Who controls all this media power and what is the agenda that they push? Here is a clue. You can always tell the true rulers of any society. They are the ones that you are not allowed to criticize. In the past, criticism of the King or criticism of the Church was the biggest sin. In today's world it is "anti-semitism" that is the biggest sin. The mass media is the world's greatest power and it is controlled, for the most part, by a global cabal of Zionists. While Jews are only 2.7% of the U.S. population and a small part of world population, they control nearly all of the mass media where ever White people live throughout the world. These Jewish media magnates, Eisner, Levin, Redstone, Bronfman, Spielberg, Newhouse and a few others, take no oath of office. They have loyalty to only themselves and their Jewish tribe. While there is competition between them as individuals, they never forget that they are Jews and will always be Jewish. They will always promote what is best for their extended family, the Jewish people.

George Bush Republican Constitution Iraq Israel

jews jewish zionist media illuminati david duke conservative liberal bbc europe president abc cbs nbc fox news truth conspiracy republican democrat libertarian reform green natural law socialist communist socialists communists democracy republics republic democracys freemason freemasons new york city europeans europe Ariel Sharon bush clinton trilateral commission council of foreign relations bilderbergers control america National Alliance terror terrorism september eleventh 11th 2001 free press Carl cameron nearly fired zionist control of the media united states europe middle east politics george w bush attack iraq suicide teens isreal israel nuclear history