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Advance Wars Section

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AC Guide
CO Guide
NC Guide
War Room Guide

Golden Sun Section

General GS
Boss Info
Item Drops
Story Line

This page is the home page of shmad2k. It used to be advance wars help page but I was lousy at helping people so I changed it. For the few of you who did look at my amazing advance wars tips they are still on the site under the Advance wars section. Currently there isn't much else on here but I am adding more. I am slow to update the site so don't expect anything quickly.

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This RingSurf Golden Sun Online Webring Net Ring
owned by GBA Empire.

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- Updates and News

13/10/02 - 4:07 pm

As you can see (hopefully) I have made a few changes to the design of my website. I have a new banner as well, please give me feedback about that. Also check out My newest affiliate. Game Chat. Its a great forum site and if you like GBA (why else would you be at GBA Empire?) go to the General GBA forum. I'm the moderator there by the way. Game Chat began not long ago and now it has nearly 100 members. That shows just how good it is. Enough about game chat (go there if you want more, which you do) and on this site there are still a few problems changing to the new theme. You can probably see one now. The buttons that form the nav bar are the wrong colours and don't match the background for the borders. Also there are a few font problems still to sort out on other pages. I will get this done ASAP. So for me ASAP should be about a month.

9/9/02 - 7:22 pm

I have changed the font size on the pages to make it smaller. I did this because I think it is easier on the eyes and also more stylish. Also I added a new navigation bar and reorganised how the links are done on the site. You can now see everything on every page.

7/9/02 - 6:12 pm

Hello again. I have tidied up the updates section and as you can see I have joined a web ring for golden sun. Have a look at some of other sites on there.

4/9/02 - 8:55 pm

Damn I hate coursework. Anyway i'm very busy and all i've done is put up the banner that DarkLegacy gave me. Click on it to visit his great site.

2/9/02 - 4:09 pm

Massive update for today. New affiliates (see below), new golden sun stuff (click here), new site name (GBA Empire) and a new section entitled Graphic of the Day. These pictures aren't mine but are pictures things that I have found online and think are worthy of displaying. None were obtained illegally and I will put up links to some of the sites I found them at.

I have done quite a lot of work on tidying up the site today as well. I have tidied things up a little especially in the advance wars section. I have done 2 new illustrated advance wars guides but haven't put them online yet as it takes too long. They will be going up in the next few days.  I wasn't at home for most of a couple of days and so haven't had much time to spare on the webpage. Eeek!! school in 2 days!!!!! NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!

Also you will notice I have 2 new affiliates. One is Golden Sun Realm, who have kindly given me some images for my site, thanks for that. The other is a site that doesn't have a name yet but I am calling DarkLegacy405 Golden Sun for now. It is also a good site that is in development at the moment.

24/8/02 - 5:20 pm

I added a load of stuff to the Golden Sun section of the website. There is the new boss guide here. Also have a look at my item drop section as well. This is incomplete and I am adding to it all the time. It includes all the item drops I have found and all the ones for Venus Lighthouse. If you know of any more please e-mail me and I will put them on and give you full credit. Also it has been brought to my attention that the hit counter is total crap. It registers another hit whenever someone goes to any page in this site instead of just the homepage so I have removed it. I'll fix it and put it back soon.

23/8/02 - 12:07 pm

I have changed my web host to angelfire because they support the latest version of frontpage and geocities doesn't currently. Changing the web host has taken me ages so thats all I have done for today.

- Affiliates