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Hello Everyone I am lookin for anyone who would like to adopt this site! You must be good with html and will keep this address and not just steal the images! You will add to this site keepin all of the pages on it unless askin me first before taking it off! Im lookin for a responsible person who will not just abandon the site when they cant add to it anymore but will give it to another person. If you would like to be the owner of this site and is good at makin dolls banners and other things please contact me at I'm really sorry but I no longer have time for the site! I cant update anymore and I havent been. I think its a good site so I would like to give it away! Please whoever I choose dont just take the site and steal the images off of it! Please will you keep it and add onto it! Thanks! Luv Lots ~..::*Hannah*::..~
Hello Every One and Welcome To Shimmering Star Dust Dollz!!
Before you enter please read the following rules!
1: Sign The Guest Book
2: All Of These Images Are Made By Me Or Given To Me! So No Stealing!
3: If You Win An Award, Get An Image From The Adoption Center, Or Some Other Way You Must Link Me!
4: Please No Direct Linking! Direct Linking Is When You Right Click An Image And Go To Properties And Take That Code And Add It To Another Code And The Image Shows Up. Instead Upload It If you Dont Know How To Do That Than Go To My HTML HELP Page!
5: Most Of All Have Fun!!
Hits Since August~24~02
I'm a Margarita flavored Jelly Belly....You?

What flavor Jelly Belly are you?
This quiz was created by Dollie Designs