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MAJOR ACHIEVEMENTS:- DISCLAIMER:- I am not Shane Douglas nor do I pretend to be him. I am not affiliated with WWE, or any other wrestling company. The banners and layout were made by Smokey662k but the roleplay is all mine. If I find this roleplay somewhere else and I didn't post it, I will join that fed and whip your ass time and time again. If you ask me to use the roleplay, then maybe i'll let you. You can contact me at Quack Attack 200. MAJOR ACHIEVEMENTS:-



:.:.: Forward :.:.:
(The very first ECWF Raw is upon us and it is sure to be one hell of a night. Two tournaments will begin. One for the ECWF Woman's Title and the other for the ECWF World Title. The main event of the night is The Rock taking on Chris Jericho. Who will advance in these tournaments? Can The Rock and Chris Jericho put on a match that will solidify what ECWF is all about? Other stars that will be on Raw include Lance Storm, Edge, HBK, Steve Austin, Triple H, Kurt Angle, and Shane Douglas.
:.:.: End of Forward :.:.:

(Scene opens with a view of a neighborhood somewhere in San Jose, California. The camera singles out one house as a dark red Mercedes-Benz pulls into the long driveway. The camera zooms in to see who gets out of the car and it is none other than former ECW stars Francine and Shane Douglas. They walk up to the door and ring the bell. A few seconds later, the door opens to reveal another former ECW star Chris Candido. Chris invites them and they go in the house. Shane and Francine take their shoes off as soon as they get in and then they all head torwards the living room.)

| | The Blonde Bombshell | |.:: Chris Candido ::.
Can I get either of you something to drink?

| | The Queen of Extreme | |.:: Francine ::.
No, i'm okay, but I really need to use your bathroom.

| | The Blonde Bombshell | |.:: Chris Candido ::.
Oh, okay, it's down this hall and the third door on the right.

| | The Queen of Extreme | |.:: Francine ::.
Thank you so much.

(Francine hurries down the hall and into the bathroom. Shane looks at Chris and just shakes his head.)

| | The Blonde Bombshell | |.:: Chris Candido ::.
So Shane, can I get you something to drink?

| | The Franchise | |.:: Shane Douglas ::.
Sure, what do you have?

| | The Blonde Bombshell | |.:: Chris Candido ::.
Let me think, I got some beer, milk, orange juice, some Pepsi, and some bottled water.

| | The Franchise | |.:: Shane Douglas ::.
I'll take a Pepsi.

| | The Blonde Bombshell | |.:: Chris Candido ::.
Alright. I'll grab one for Francine too, she always changes her mind.

(Chris takes three Pepsis out of the refrigerator and hands one to Shane. They leave the kitchen and go into the living room. Shane looks around and then notices the eighty inch television in the corner. Then Chris sits down in a chair and Shane sits on the couch.

| | The Franchise | |.:: Shane Douglas ::.
Woah, nice entertainment center. How much did that cost?

| | The Blonde Bombshell | |.:: Chris Candido ::.
I don't remember, like, thirty-five hundred maybe, i'm not sure.

| | The Franchise | |.:: Shane Douglas ::.
Holy shit man, I would never spend that much on a fucking television.

(All of a sudden, Francine starts walking into the living room, unnoticed.)

| | The Queen of Extreme | |.:: Francine ::.
Shane, you have to be the cheapest person i've ever met.

(Francine walks over and sits down next to Shane.)

| | The Queen of Extreme | |.:: Francine ::.
So Chris, what have you been up to lately?

| | The Blonde Bombshell | |.:: Chris Candido ::.
Not too much but I heard about Shane getting into ECWF. How soon before you win the title?

| | The Queen of Extreme | |.:: Francine ::.
Shane faces Steve Austin in the first round of the ECWF World Title Tournament.

| | The Blonde Bombshell | |.:: Chris Candido ::.
Oh really? That should be no problem.

| | The Queen of Extreme | |.:: Francine ::.
For Shane, nothing is a problem. That's why he's The Franchise.

| | The Blonde Bombshell | |.:: Chris Candido ::.
I know that's true. ECWF has some fine ass looking women. Besides Stephanie of course but man Shane, you have to get me Gorgeous George's number.

| | The Franchise | |.:: Shane Douglas ::.
Man, i'll try to get George's number for you. Chris, have you seen that Vampiro guy. What a freak.

| | The Blonde Bombshell | |.:: Chris Candido ::.
Yeah but he is a really good wrestler. He's probably one of the best in ECWF. Do you think he can get far in the tournament.

| | The Franchise | |.:: Shane Douglas ::.
Who knows? He has to get through William Regal first. He's good, but I don't know if he can get past Regal. I'm going to go ahead and predict that he beats Regal though.

| | The Queen of Extreme | |.:: Francine ::.
I pick Regal to win that match.

| | The Franchise | |.:: Shane Douglas ::.
Francine, Vampiro will win.

| | The Blonde Bombshell | |.:: Chris Candido ::.
Yeah Shane, you're probably right. I think Vampiro's style is too different for Regal.

| | The Franchise | |.:: Shane Douglas ::.
It should be a good match.

| | The Queen of Extreme | |.:: Francine ::.
No way, you're both wrong. It's Regal, he'll win. I'm telling you guys, I have inside sources.

| | The Blonde Bombshell | |.:: Chris Candido ::.
Francine, you're not very convincing.

| | The Franchise | |.:: Shane Douglas ::.
Yeah, you should work on that.

| | The Queen of Extreme | |.:: Francine ::.
What ever guys, let's talk about something else. Chris, have you talked to Bam Bam lately?

| | The Blonde Bombshell | |.:: Chris Candido ::.
Yeah, actually he should be here any minute.

| | The Franchise | |.:: Shane Douglas ::.
Yeah but you know him, he's always late. Remember that time he was an hour late and tried to make up some story about saving kids from a burning building? What a story, where did he get ideas like that?

| | The Queen of Extreme | |.:: Francine ::.
Um, Shane? He really did help some kids in a burning building.

| | The Franchise | |.:: Shane Douglas ::.
Oh yeah, I forgot. Was that the door bell?

| | The Blonde Bombshell | |.:: Chris Candido ::.
Yeah it was, he might actually be on time for once.

(Chris, Shane, and Francine walk to the door and open it. Bam Bam Bigelow is standing on the step taking his motorcycle helmet off. Chris opens the door and lets him in. They shake hands and then hug. Then Bigelow hugs Shane and then Francine. They all walk to the living room and sit down.)

| | The Beast From The East | |.:: Bam Bam Bigelow ::.
The Triple Threat reunited. This kind of feels wierd without people chanting E-C-W every two seconds.

| | The Blonde Bombshell | |.:: Chris Candido ::.
Yeah it does feel a little different. It's too bad that we won't be able to do it in the ring anymore. We were the most dominant group in ECW history. Once we left, that company went straight to hell. I mean, look at who won the ECW World Title after you left Shane.

| | The Franchise | |.:: Shane Douglas ::.
Yeah, it made me want to throw up. Justin Credible, what a joke. Plus, he actually thought that Francine liked him. She was only using him show she could stay on top of that piece of shit company. Then who beat him for the title, Jerry Lynn. Holy shit. This guy only won the title because he had a title shot in his hometown. Everybody knows that you win your match if it's in your town. He lost to Rhyno. I don't have a problem with Rhyno, he was a beast. He was the only person in that company that should've had a belt and he had two when the fucking place closed.

| | The Beast From The East | |.:: Bam Bam Bigelow ::.
Yeah, I can't believe Heyman let that place go bankrupt. Then he tried to revive it in WWE. What a moron, Vince has never let anyone from ECW do good. Besides RVD and that's only because he kisses more ass than Dawn Marie. So Shane, I heard you're in ECWF. Usually you go to take someone out, who's it going to be this time?

| | The Franchise | |.:: Shane Douglas ::.
Yeah, right now it's "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. I face him in the first round of the tournament.

| | The Beast From The East | |.:: Bam Bam Bigelow ::.
I know what you mean. I think the only person that should have that belt besides you is Lance Storm.

| | The Blonde Bombshell | |.:: Chris Candido ::.
He won't even be able to make it past the first round.

| | The Queen of Extreme | |.:: Francine ::.
I said that Regal will beat Vampiro and they didn't believe me.

| | The Beast From The East | |.:: Bam Bam Bigelow ::.
Who else is in it besides Shane, Vampiro, Lance, and Regal?

| | The Franchise | |.:: Shane Douglas ::.
You know, the usuals. The Rock, Chris Jericho, Triple H.

(The scene starts to fade out to a ECWF House Show in San Jose. The camera shifts to show Joey Styles and Joel Gertner.)

| | The Extreme Announcer | |.:: Joey Styles ::.
Well Joel, that was earlier today. Shane Douglas and Francine meeting up with old friends. Now that they are in ECWF, the attitude backstage has changed with some people.

| | The Quintasential Stud Muffin | |.:: Joel Gertner ::.
Yeah Joey and Shane Douglas should be coming out to the ring at any moment.

| | The Extreme Announcer | |.:: Joey Styles ::.
I hope Francine comes out here with him. I haven't seen her in such a long time.

| | The Quintasential Stud Muffin | |.:: Joel Gertner ::.
Calm down Joey. I'm sure she'll be with him and that will get me all hot and sweaty.

(Just then, some unfamiliar music begins to play over the PA system and the crowd gets on their feet waiting to see who it is. The crowd erupts when they see Francine walk out onto the stage wearing almost nothing. She walks down to the ring and goes up the ringsteps. She stands on the apron for a second and then steps through the middle ropes. Lillian Garcia hands her the microphone and then gets out of the ring. Francine stands in the middle of the ring and gets ready to speak.)

| | The Queen of Extreme | |.:: Francine ::.
Hello all of you lovely people here in San Jose. For those of you who have no clue about who I am, let me fill you in. I am The Queen of Extreme, Francine. I am the most dominant female in the history of the deceased ECW. I led so many different men to championships. It is because of me that Tommy Dreamer is as popular as he is today. I led him to the ECW World Title and then when he least expected it, I stabbed him in the back. I left him and joined with the man that beat him for the title, Justin Credible. Even before that, I led Shane Douglas to the World Title as well. I led Shane Douglas and Chris Candido to the ECW Tag Team Titles. Every person that I have had a positive relationship with has won some sort of gold in their career. Now I am here in nWa and I would like to introduce to you, my business partner once again, The Franchise, Shane Douglas!

(A different music plays as the crowd goes crazy. Shane Douglas walks out wearing a pair of black nylon pants and an ECWF t-shirt. He walks down to the ring and then slides in the ring. He goes to one corner and gets up on the middle rope. He raises his arms and then gets down. He hugs Francine and then goes to another corner. He raises his arms again and then gets down. Francine hands him the microphone and he waits until the crowd calms down.)

| | The Franchise | |.:: Shane Douglas ::.
Some of you people probably have no clue who I am. So to fill you in a little bit, I am The Franchise, Shane Douglas. I have been in all of the major companies, and one that wasn't so well known. I started in ECW, I started The Triple Threat and that group has had many different members. Chris Candido, Bam Bam Bigelow, Dean Malenko, Perry Saturn, and Chris Benoit. It was a group that many people feared and still do in some shape or form. That is why I have decided to recreate a new Triple Threat here in nWa. That means that all of you people will either be with me or against me. A couple of people have caught my eye and I would like to cordially invite them to join The Triple Threat. Before I name them though, I would like you people to get to know me better. I am from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and grew up to be the very best. Now that I am here in the nWa, I will once again show why I am known as The Franchise. I will show all of you people and everybody in the locker room that Shane Douglas is here and he's here to stay. You see, some of you people will find out what I am made of for the first time. Some of you other people may have followed my career through ECW, WWF, then back to ECW, then WCW, and most recently, Major League Wrestling. All of those stops were worthless to me because I overran everyone that came in my way. I have won a major championship in every company that I have been in and nWa will not be any different. When I got the call from Jerry Jarrett to meet him for an interview. As soon as I saw him, I knew that got a job here. I knew that I this company could not go long without signing me and used that to get more money. All of you people can cheer me if you want, you can boo me if you want because I really don't give a damn about any of you. All of you people think that you made ECW, well let me fill you in on something. I made ECW what it was. I was the greatest ECW World Champion ever and now I will become the ECWF World Champion.

(Camera switches to Joey Styles and Joel Gertner at ringside.)

| | The Extreme Announcer | |.:: Joey Styles ::.
This is great Joel, I am sure that Shane Douglas has a lot on his mind.

| | The Quintasential Stud Muffin | |.:: Joel Gertner ::.
What do you think he's going to say?

| | The Extreme Announcer | |.:: Joey Styles ::.
I don't know Joel, I think we should just listen to him.

| | The Quintasential Stud Muffin | |.:: Joel Gertner ::.
Okay, you don't have to get all snotty about it.

| | The Extreme Announcer | |.:: Joey Styles ::.
I'm not.

(The camera cuts back to Shane Douglas in the ring. He's waiting until the crowd stops booing him and then he begins.)

| | The Franchise | |.:: Shane Douglas ::.
You see, on Raw, I will advance to the second round of the ECWF World Title Tournament. I will do this by defeating "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. The self proclaimed toughest son of a bitch in the ECWF. Austin, you want to say that you're going to put me in the hospital. How are you going to do that when you're the one being carried away on the stretcher? You see Austin, I have this thing that you lack, and that is intelligence. See, being smart will get you places. Would I be a multiple time champion in WWF, ECW, WCW, and MLW if I wasn't smart? Unlike you, I didn't grow up in some crap city like Victoria, Texas. You're city is probably overpopulated and every single person is either a brother, a sister, an uncle, an aunt, hell, the mother of everyone in Victoria, Texas is your grandmother. I am from a much more civilized city, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The same city that the ECWF's Olympic Hero, Kurt Angle is from. Austin, people from Texas only know how to brawl and have no wrestling ability. During your little stint in ECW, the only thing you could do was make fun of Hulk Hogan but I don't see you being funny anymore. You claim that you left Vince because he changed it to WWE, but I know the real reason. You didn't get what you wanted. It was always the same with you Austin, if something happens that you don't like, you bitch and moan about it. Well I for one, am sick and tired of you. I know that all of these people are sick and tired of saying what every two seconds. (Fans: What?) Don't even start with me. (Fans: What?) Maybe you morons din't hear me. (Fans: What?) What? (Fans: What?) What? (Fans: You suck!) Shut up! (Fans: What?) I said shut up! (Fans: What?) That's it, i'm ignoring each and every single one of you. Back to you Austin. You are no different than these stupid people. All of you think that Austin will win the ECWF World Title. Maybe he will. Someday. Someday after I am no longer champ and retired. Austin, you just don't know when to quit. You had a broken neck and you couldn't wrestle. You should admire the way that Kurt Angle won the gold medal with a broken frieking neck. Every time I was hurt, I didn't leave for months, I left for a day at most. I would go right back and deal with what ever came my way. I would go back to pure domination of which ever company I was in at the time. I was the most dominant ECW World Champion of all time. I can remember way back when you asked me to join the Triple Threat. You wanted to join me and Chris Candido because you didn't want us to beat the hell out of you. We thought about it and we almost accepted you until we realized that you would only hold us back. You would only be a weak link and you would be the pereson that our enemies would go after. Then we would have to go and save your ass so you didn't get hurt. Well then we decided that we didn't feel like going to the ring to help you out every time you had a match. You only wanted to be in the spotlight. You didn't want to win, you didn't want to beat anybody up. You were obsessed with being on top. Then you went to WWF and decided to become a tough guy. You won the King of the Ring, whip dee do. Look at the other people who have won that thing. Bret Hart, Ken Shamrock, Mabel, hell, even Triple H won that thing. You and the others give a bad name to the true winner of that tournament, Kurt Angle. So Austin, if you decide to show up on Raw, you will only be Franchised.

(Shane's music begins to play as he tosses the microphone out of the ring. He and Francine leave the ring and head backstage. Then the scene switches to Joey Styles and Joel Gertner.)

| | The Extreme Announcer | |.:: Joey Styles ::.
Wow Joel, Shane Douglas talking a lot of trash about Stone Cold.

| | The Quintasential Stud Muffin | |.:: Joel Gertner ::.
Yeah, classic Shane Douglas. He has always been one to talk but he's also always been one to back it up.

| | The Extreme Announcer | |.:: Joey Styles ::.
Well, Austin will no doubt have one hell of a battle with Douglas. These two haven't been in the same company since ECW a few years ago. I personally, cannot wait until this match. It should be spectacular and has main event status.

| | The Quintasential Stud Muffin | |.:: Joel Gertner ::.
Well I think that the odds are on Austin but that's only because Douglas isn't as well known. I'm going to predict that Shane Douglas defeats Austin in the first round.

| | The Extreme Announcer | |.:: Joey Styles ::.
Wait a minute Joel, I have just been told that Terri has caught up with Shane Douglas backstage. Let's go to Terri.

(The scene switches to show Terri standing next to Shane Douglas.)

| | The Horny Little She-Devil | |.:: Terri ::.
So Shane, first I have to say, welcome to the Extreme Championship Wrestling Federation.

| | The Franchise | |.:: Shane Douglas ::.
Thanks Terri, it feels great to finally be in a company where everybody gets a chance.

| | The Horny Little She-Devil | |.:: Terri ::.
Well Shane, is there anybody in ECWF that you can't wait to get in the ring with, besides the "Stone Cold" Steve Austin?

| | The Franchise | |.:: Shane Douglas ::.
Well, who ever I face in the second round of the tournament.

| | The Horny Little She-Devil | |.:: Terri ::.
Okay, well, I know that you have to get going so thanks for taking time out and good luck in the future.

(Shane walks away and torwards the parking lot when all of a sudden he runs into Christian. He looks at Shane with a smile on his face. He tries to walk by but Christian steps in front and blocks his path.)

| | The Franchise | |.:: Shane Douglas ::.
Um, can I help you with something?

| | Totally Reeking of Awesomeness | |.:: Christian ::.
Well, if it isn't Shane Douglas. I heard what you said out there.

| | The Franchise | |.:: Shane Douglas ::.
Did you really? Well I am glad that you did. It has been my purpose in life for you to hear me speak.

| | Totally Reeking of Awesomeness | |.:: Christian ::.
Ha, you're funny, a lot funnier than that reekazoid Austin. Just thought i'd tell you that I agree with everything you said.

| | The Franchise | |.:: Shane Douglas ::.
Wait a second, aren't you that guy who used to throw temper tantrums in the ring when he lost??

| | Totally Reeking of Awesomeness | |.:: Christian ::.
You know what, that is totally in the past and now I own fifty percent of this place. Even though I got stuck partnering with that dorkchop Al Snow.

| | The Franchise | |.:: Shane Douglas ::.
Al Snow? I'd say that you and Head run this place. Did you honestly think that Al can make a decision without talking to that stupid thing?

| | Totally Reeking of Awesomeness | |.:: Christian ::.
No, I knew that he talked to that thing. I can't believe he signed that chumpstain Jeff Hardy though. I just hate that guy so much. I hate him, I hate him, I hate him.

| | The Franchise | |.:: Shane Douglas ::.
Woah, calm down Cristian. You're supposed to be the King of Cool. How can you be King if you can't keep your cool?

| | Totally Reeking of Awesomeness | |.:: Christian ::.
You're right, you're right. I can't let all of those morons see my real side. So, I have another stupid meeting to go to so i'll catch up with you later.

(Christian walks off angrily while Shane just laughs. He walks into the parking lot and gets into a limousine. The limo pulls out onto the streets as the scene fades to black.)