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One side of my eyes see tomorrow, and the other one see yesterday


Jon>>A new layout
Greetings all! I'm sure you don't know who I am, but that's just about as well, since there's no real reason for you to know who I am, anyway. For I am Seiji, the almighty replacement webmaster for the time being. Since there's no real stuff going on, our webmistresses decided that it wasn't time to update. Well, since I worked so hard to MAKE this layout, I figured, hey, I might as well go upload it. Woohoo? Uhm, anyway. That icon of mine is temporary until I create one JUST for me, and not my character. That's that.


Elly>>A New Character
Well lookie there folks, two characters killed off in one night. Ironic, eh? Anyway, I brought in a new character (Triston Mitoko) and so I'm posting as him for a while. After Tokio comes back, I'll still be using Triston until a new male member joins the RPG and adopts him as their character, or until the RPG ends, whichever comes first. Anyway, the second character to die in the RPG so far is Dusk, who, by my permission, has created another character to control while his main character (Dusk) is dead. In the event that Dusk comes back (and I'm not saying he will), Will may choose to use both characters until someone requests to adopt his second character. Ok? Glad we got that cleared. His new character's profile has been posted.

As almost all the RPG members are aware of Katie's little joke on the boards, and since everyone who knew about it didn't really like it being on the board, we've moved it to the all new "Spoofs" section. Go ahead, take a look...Anyway, from now on, I'm allowing any member to submit a spoof of the plot via e-mail to me, which I'll put up on the spoofs page. Any spoof posted on the board will be deleted and ignored as far as the actual board and the spoof page is concerned.

Jon's character, Alexander, has spent his 20 statistic points on the ability Teleport. Henceforth he can use this ability in any post.
Also, Hawkeye's ability to morph into animals has been added to her profile. This was originally part of her character, but just wasn't typed up on the profile. It is now though, so, no groaning about it on the boards!

>> More Rules? *Groan*
It had to be done. I put up the new rules concerning spoofs and character exchanges. Note that rules will be added and edited whenever necessary to the RPG.

>> Job Bonuses
This long-since-forgotten idea of Katie's has finally become a reality. Head on over to the Jobs section to check it out.

>> Gold and Points
I added a new section where you can regularly check up on how much gold and statistic points you have. It is updated whenever you add an ability or buy a weapon, so it's always accurate. Note that we don't update everytime you post if you want credit now, you can e-mail me. Otherwise you have to wait until I go tally-woman again. Mwa-ha. You can see what that looks like if you'd like.

>>Game Over?
*twitch twitch...drool...falls over...dies* Okay, this update is over. Finally. Long eh? Before RPGing, please read the updated rules, look at the new job bonuses, review your gold and points, look at Will's new character, and read Katie's spoofs. Thanks!


As most of us know, Elly's Character, Setsuko (Tokio), has died. Until my character figures out a way to revive her, she will be playing the part of a different character, Triston Mitoko. I am allowing people who for some reason killed off their character, or wish to change their character to do this. It will be put up in the rules shortly. ~~Thanks~~


Yeah, I know, I'm updating too much. I just wanted to let EVERYONE know that they may choose a theme song for their character, and e-mail the lyrics to me at I'm going to be putting your character's theme song whenever you send me the name of the song, it's artist, and the lyrics, so please keep that in mind. If you can't find the lyrics to your character's theme on the internet, please tell me the name of the song and the artist, and I'll see what I can do. Sound cool? Oh, and if your character's theme is in another language (i.e., Japanese), please send me the lyrics in the original language and the translation. My Japanese translations aren't the best, so you're taking a risk if you ask me to translate something for you, lol. Thanks! Update-7/23/02

Elly>>You Spooly Bards! Stop With The Threads!
Okay, if I see ONE MORE thread started with no replies on the thread before it, I'm just going to delete it. Sheesh people, try to make this thing just a LITTLE bit easier to browse for my character, consider it on vacation, I have no clue what's going on with the plot anymore, so I'm not posting until someone (ahem, KATIE) tells me what the hell is going on. Heh, and I'd love to know how a character that rarely posts anymore pisses people off...but ah well *goes off and plays ff8 with her spiffy new strategy guide*

>>Poor Thing...
Warm welcomes to our newest member! I hope you have more of an idea what's going on than I Anyway, best of luck to you and your character!

>>New Layout?
At the beginning of next month (August 1st, for those too lazy to think) I'm giving this site a new layout (yes, something Weiss Kruez again...unless anyone has any suggestions), and maybe even a new domain home at under my other site there. It'd be very helpful if every character would please go to or any other similar graphics sites and pick out a 60 x 60 icon for their character and e-mail it to me a.s.a.p. Thanks!


Katie>>New Member! Yay!
Everybody give a nice warm welcome to Aeryn! *Crickets chirping* Uh...e-heh heh heh... Um... Anyway... Well, in case common sense has lacked, Greg's free to post again... He has been... For a while... Um... We need people to start posting more, I feel the RPG is dying (and it's all Jess's fault, lol), and we need to revive it! C'mon people, I know you can do it! I know Elly pisses everyone off *hides from Elly* but get over it, it's just part of the story...


KatieMystery posts

The mystery posts are by a character named Night, who, by vote of the members, was killed off. Yes, these posts were put up by none other than Aaron M. *Ta da!*

Update - 7/9/02

Elly >>The Tally Man Gives Her Totals:
Okay, I went through EVERY post oon the whole friggin' RPG, and just gave everyone credit for any post, reguardless of length. I went easy on everything this time, but next time I won't be so generous, MWAHAHAHA! ...Yeah, anyway, here's the results, I put them in a table, just look for your character's name and then look to your right to find their posts numbers, and then their statistic points. Here's everyone's standings:

Character Name Number Of Posts Statistic Points
Alexander Milliard 2 posts 20 statistic points
Bernice Dubois 13 posts 130 statistic points
Elegram Nisory 32 posts 320 statistic points
Greg (Unit 0127) 3 posts 30 statistic points
Isis Keraka 6 posts 60 statistic points
Keith Riby 17 posts 170 statistic points
Lena 1 post 10 statistic points
Setsuko Miura 26 posts 260 statistic points
As you can tell, every post is worth 10 statistic points (10 posts = 100 statistic points, get it?).

>>Mystery Post
Someone decided not to use their character's name when posting, so I can't give credit to anyone for the beginning of the thread "Dangers Of The Night". If this post was written by you, please contact Elly as soon as possible.

I hate the Stock Market too, but since statistic points can't buy you everything in the RPG, I've made a little page on the conversion rates as of now. Expect them to change at least once a month. Check out Conversion Rates to see how much gold your character would have if it converts it's statistic points.

Okay, okay, this update is all done for me. I'm leaving now, really...*fades into the backround slowly* Buh bye everyone, and remember, keep posting!
PS: Does everyone like the pretty icon I made for Katie? She doesn't know about it yet...hehehe ^-^