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SpoTTy's HomePage

22 small things about me

My Site

The Hall Of Freinds
LoZ Picture Gallery
Winamp Gallery
Pretty Solider Sailor Moon Gallery
My MP3's (so far)
My livejournal
My Train Page
My Neo Pets Webpage
my story, (its still in the works but you can still download what i have so far)

Take the Which Powerpuff Girl Are You? Test.
i would jsut like to thank u for coming to my page, and i no its not the best site... but it will get there... i am planning to add a gallery of my pics, and some more fotos in my freinds gallery and add some other stuff tooo... anyway... thanx for visiting.. Cya... SpoTTy got idea's for my webpage or found a broken link.. e-mail me..