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The Niue Alphabet

Letter      First Sound                                        Second Sound

Aa          a   cat                                            n/a

Ãã          eh  eh?                                            n/a

Åå          o   bop                                            n/a

Bb          b   bop                                            n/a

Br          br  Brrrrr  (the ‘r’ rolls)                        n/a

Cc          c   cat                                            s  snake  --if an I or y follows

Ce          ch  chop                                           n/a

Ch          sh  shout                                          n/a

Dd          d   dog                                            n/a

Dr          dr  (the ‘r’ rolls)                                n/a

Ee          a   bait                                           e  bet --if a double constanant follows

Ēē          e   bet                                            n/a

Ff          f   fish                                           n/a

Gg          g   good                                           french j—if followed by e, ie, i or y

Hh          h   house                                          silent if at the end of a word

Ħl, ħl    hl  a cross between an ‘h’ and an ‘l’              n/a

Ii          I   igloo                                          n/a

Ie, ie      ee  geek                                           n/a

Jj          j   like a french ‘j’                              n/a

Kk          k   kung fu                                        n/a

Ll          l   like                                           n/a

Mm          m   mouse                                          mi—like an ‘m’ with a ‘y’ after it

Nn          n   noise                                          n/a

Ññ          ni  like an ‘n’ with a ‘y’ after it                n/a

Oo          o   open                                           o operate—if followed by a double constanant

Õõ          oo  book, cook                                     oo   goop—if followed by e, I, ie, y

Pp          p   pie                                            n/a

Qq          k   kung fu                                        qu     quack

Rr          r   right                                          n/a

Řř          r   like a spanish or a scottish ‘r’               n/a

Ss          s   snake                                          n/a

St          ts                                                 ts in 'cats' or 'bats'

Tt          t   town                                           n/a

Th          th  thank                                          n/a

Uu          oo  goop                                           u   up—if followed by a double constanant

Ui          eye I                                              n/a

Vv          v   vibe                                           n/a

Ww          w   welcome                                        n/a

Xx          z   zany                                           n/a

Yy          eye I                                              y   yap—if double ‘y’ follows

Zz          z   zany                                           th   thank you—if an ‘ie’ follows