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Strength and Weight Restrictions

At level one, all classes have following weight restrictions and can carry no more then this and 
still be able to to anything but move at half speed, having to rest every 5 rounds for 5 rounds.

Fighter- 25 lbs
Rogue-5 lbs
Bard- 10 lbs	
Cleric- 5 lbs
Ranger- 10 lbs	
Sorceror- 5 lbs	
Monk- 25 lbs
Paladin- 15 lbs	
Illusionist- 5 lbs
Druid- 5 lbs	
Necromancer- 5 lbs
Barbarian- 30 lbs

Each full level they increase, a player's weight restriction is 5 lbs higher. (For example at level 5 
a Fighter's weight restriction would be 45 lbs). Keep in mind that without carrying items in a pouch, in 
a player's hands, or on their body as clothing, a player can only carry up to 10 lbs of loose 
equiptment on their belt. Pouches containing items that are hanging on belts do not count against the 
10 lbs of loose equiptment. Any other arguments will be up to the DM's disgression.