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Level One Spells
1. Flashpuff- Creates a 5' in diameter orb of light, temporarily blinding all within sight range
2. Sleep I- Target creature falls asleep for one minute RT (real time)
3. Fireball I- Creates a ball of fire 1' in diameter fly straight at a target creature
4. Poison I- Target creature acts as if covered in poison ivy until midnight or proper healing
5. Magehand- Creates a white hand, 5-pound telekinesis
6. Mark- Marks target object or creature with caster's sigil until midnight (unlimited)
7. Mending- Creates minor reparations on an object
8. Magical Lock- Target box/bag/container/door cannot be lockpicked or opened normally
9. Cause Fear- Target creature flees
10. Charm I- Target minor creature thinks caster is ally

Level Two Spells
1. Sleep II- Target creature falls asleep for 2 minutes RT, or target 2 creatures fall asleep for one minute RT each
2. Locate Person- Caster get a sense of in what direction the named person can be found
3. Magical Unlock- Target containers/doors locked by the Magical Lock spell are unlocked
4. Fireball II- Creates a ball of fire 2' in diameter fly straight at a target creature, or two balls of fire 1' in diameter 
flying at target two creatures
5. Cantrip- Caster can create minor magical effects not effecting battle
6. Barrier I- Caster creates a minor barrier protecting them from the next physical attack
7. Resistance I- Caster creates a minor barrier protecting them from the next magical attack
8. Ray of Frost- Causes minor ice damage on target
9. Destroy Undead I- Target Undead Creature is destroyed
10. Read Magic- Allows caster to read scrolls or spellbooks

Level Three Spells
1. Sleep III- Target creature falls asleep for 3 minutes RT, or target three creatures fall asleep for one minute RT each
2. Alarm- Wards target area (10' diameter) for 2 hours/level
3. Polymorph object- Target object changes into a random animal for 5 minutes RT
4. Bolt- Causes minor ice damage on target
5. Hold Person- Target creature is held for 5 minutes RT
6. Cause Pain I- Target creature is unable to perform actions or defend for one turn due to pain
7. Absorb- Caster can absorb some elements
8. Poison II- Target is sick until midnight, moving at half speed
9. Charm II- Target trusts caster more then usual
10. Fireball III- Three fireballs can be fired by caster at three target creatures, or one homing fireball can be fired at 
one target creature

Level Four Spells
1. Barrier II- Caster is protected from the next two physical attacks
2. Resistance II- Caster is protected from the next two magical attacks
3. Hold Portal- Holds door shut
4. Grease- Makes 10' square or one object slippery
5. Mage Armor- Target object cannot be affected by Shatter until midnight
6. Obscuring Mists- Fog surrounds caster
7. Summon Monster I- Summons minor creature to fight for the caster for the duration of one battle
8. Endure Elements- Extreme elements such as wind, cold, heat, or lightning do not affect the caster for 5 minutes RT
9. Magic Missile- Fires a small ball of magic that can home in on a target person over a distance of fifty feet, through 
a maximum of one wall
10. Color Spray- Knocks unconscious, blinds, or stuns 1D6 target creatures

Level Five Spells
1. Unseen Servant- Invisible copy of caster obeys caster for three minutes RT
2. Charm III- Target creature becomes friend with caster
3. Nystul's Magical Aura- Grants target object false magical aura
4. Nystul's Undetectable Aura- Masks target object's magical aura
5. Chill Touch- Touched creature goes completely numb for one minute RT
6. Feather Fall- Target creature or object falls slowly
7. Animate Rope- Target rope moves at command
8. Enlarge- Target object grows 50%
9. Message- Enables caster and target ally to perform a whispered conversation at a distance
10. Reduce- Target object shrinks 50%

Level Six Spells
1. Summon Monster II- Summons moderate creature to fight for caster for duration of battle
2. Resistance III- Caster is immune to next three magical attacks on them
3. Barrier III- Caster is immune to next three physical attacks on them
4. Fireball IV- 5 Fireballs fire at target 5 creatures, or 3 homing fireballs
5. Poison III- Target gains chosen disease
6. Protection- Target item is permanently immune to shatter, being broken, being dispelled etc (can only be cast 
on one item at a time)
7. Shatter I- Sonic vibrations harm target object or shatter target crystalline object or creature
8. Cause Pain II- Target creature cannot attack or defend for two turns due to the pain
9. Power Word: Stun- Target creature is stunned
10. Aging- Target ages at 1 year per turn, effects revert to normal at midnight

Level Seven Spells
1. Summon Monster III- Summons major creature to fight for caster for duration of battle
2. Shatter II- Target object becomes crystalline and easily breakable
3. Cause Pain III- Target creature cannot attack or defend for three turns due to the pain
4. Foresight- Caster has a sixth sense about when trouble is coming
5. Shatter Barrier- Target barrier cast by creature of equal or lesser level is dispelled
6. Curse of Revenge- Caster takes on a major curse, chosen upon the learning of this spell. They carry this until they 
die at which point whatever kills them takes on the curse. They then pass it on to their killer etc. 
7. Transfer Spell- Target creature gains one of casters spells to be used once. Caster loses this spell until it is used and 
caster sleeps for six hours
8. Enemy Blink- Target enemy is relocated up too 10 feet away from their original position
9. Acid Rain- Target rain becomes acid
10. Dual Casting- Caster can cast multiple spells at once (up to 5)

Level Eight Spells 
1. Fireball V- 5 homing fireballs fly at target 5 creatures
2. Sandman's Revenge- All creatures within 30 feet of caster fall asleep for 5 minutes RT 
3. Heat Feet- Target creatures feet begin to burn, hindering the casting of any spells or movement for 5 turns. They are 
also jumping up and down violently making a lot of noise
4. Shatter III- Target weapon has ability to shatter next three objects it touches (weapons, shields, armor, doors etc)
5. Power Word: Petrify- Target creature is petrified
6. Animate Tattoo- Target tattoo comes to live and serves whomever's body it came off of, different tattoos may have 
different powers depending on DM's decision
7. Summon Elemental- Caster summons an elemental to serve them, type of elemental depends on environment that caster 
is in
8. Meteor Swarm- Caster summons two meteors onto each enemy of caster
9. Imbue Golem I- Caster has ability to imbue a statue with life, Golem can only survive as long as caster keeps 
concentration on it
10. Wind Walk- Caster and allies turns into wind and can travel great distances very quickly. Caster cannot fit through 
any area they would not normally be able to fit through

Level Nine Spells
1. Fireball Storm- 10 Homing Fireballs fly at target 10 creatures
2. Wings- Wings sprout from caster's back, enabling them to fly, spell ends at midnight. (once a week)
3. Elemental Swarm- Caster summons 1D6 elementals to serve them, type of elementals depends on environment that 
caster is in
4. Deja Vu- Target is teleported back in time to where they were 5 hours ago. Time is not altered, only in target's head
5. Recall- Caster teleports to previously chosen location
6. Stop Time- Caster stops time for one minute RT (once a week)
7. Dimension Door- Caster instantly teleports to another location within 50 feet/ level
8. Improved Invisibility- Caster can remain invisible for as long as they want
9. Power Word: Die- Target creature dies
10. Summoning Hook- Caster has possibility of being summoned by summon spells cast by other creatures 
(1-5) Monster summoning I-III: this will astonish the other wizard and likely prove more than a match for intended opponent
(6-15) Monster summoning IV-VII: possibly weaker than intended and may cause the wizard to be in a bad situation... 
(16-25) The wizard shows up in response to a "demon summoning" type of spell and is suspected to be a disguised demon.
(26-40) The wizard steps through a newly-opened gate. 
(41-55) Monster summoning appropriate for the wizard's level, if at all possible. 
(56-65) Summoned by a monsters power (sacrifice? summon their god? etc) 
(66-75) Appears in the lab of an experimenting otherdimensional wizard. 
(76-85) Steps from the surge of an otherdimensional wild mage. 
(88-99) Falls through a dimensional rift - who knows where? 
(100) Intentionally summoned ("But who would summon me?"). 

Sorcerer Level 10 Classes:
Master Sorcerer- Sorcerer continues the way of the wild, untamed magical art. They learn more devastating attacks, 
drawing the raw power from the world around them they seem to increase indefinably in their awesome power
Blue Mage- Sorcerer learns a forbidden form of magic long banished from any school. They learn to draw upon the 
powers of others and use their spells against them. Perfecting this art means causing their opponents to permanently lose 
spells and expanding the mage's spell list endlessly.
Summoner- Sorcerer learns how to summon lost and hidden powers from wherever they lie to serve them. The spells 
may take a while to cast but have devastating or extremely helpful effects