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Level One Spells
1. Blend In I- Rogue gains ability to blend in with a crowd
2. Faster then the eye- Rogue can move their hand quickly, enabling them to do sleight of hand or dagger tricks
3. Feign Death- Caster can slow down breath on other vital signs to appear dead
4. Poison Dagger- Caster can safely apply poison to a dagger
5. Poison food/drink- Caster can inconspicuously poison drinks or food
6. Spring Sheath I- Caster can draw dagger and attack in one second
7. Getaway I- Caster can lose followers in a crowd, or cover tracks
8. Absorb Weapon I- Caster can absorb a dagger or small item into their wrists
9. Sniper's eye- Caster can see far distances for 1 minute RT (real time)
10. Daze- Target Creature loses next turn

Level Two Spells
1. Poison Weapon- Caster can safely apply poison
2. Point The Way- Caster can sense the quickest way out of town
3. Batting Eyelashes- Members of the opposite sex within seeing range fall in love with caster for one minute RT
4. Endurance- Caster can run for an extended time and distance without being winded
5. Expose Traps I- Any minor traps in sight range glow to the caster
6. Mask Motive- Caster is immune to Sense Motive and Read Mind next time they are used on the caster
7. Escape Artist I- Caster can escape from rope bonds
8. Mending- Creates minor reparations on target object
9. Detect Poison- Caster can locate all poisons in sight range
10. Light- Target object glows

Level Three Spells
1. Spring Sheath II- Allows caster to draw weapon and throw it accurately in one second
2. Absorb Weapon II- Allows caster to absorb weapons/objects in both wrists
3. Charm I- Target minor creature thinks caster is ally
4. Minor Magical Trap- Minor Magical Trap is created
	-Needle Trap
	-Potion/Poison trap
5. Mask Alignment- Caster can mask alignment until midnight
6. Getaway II- Can dodge trap or jump up on target roof
7. Identify- Caster can identify target three objects
8. Blend In II- Caster can blend in with other races
9. Throw Voice I- Caster can throw voice for one sentence
10. Silence- Negates sound in a 15' radius

Level Four Spells
1. Escape Artist II- Caster can escape easily from handcuffs
2. Throw Voice II- Caster can throw voice for three sentences
3. Poison I- Target must act as if covered in poison ivy until midnight or until magically healed
4. Shot on the run- Caster can shoot arrows or bolts accurately at a target while wither the archer or the caster is
5. Spectral Garrote- Caster can garrote target creature
6. Arterial Strike- Caster is proficient at striking arteries
7. Jump- There is no spoon...
8. Shadow- Enemies cannot tell the difference between the caster and the caster shadow
9. Jack of All trades- Caster's Craft ability is increased by one, for one project
10. Lightning quick reflexes- Caster can block arrows

Level Five Spells
1. Blend In III- Caster can change appearances quickly
2. Throw Voice III- Caster can throw voice for four sentences
3. Obscuring Mist- Caster is surrounded by fog
4. Spider Climb- Caster gains ability to walk on walls and ceilings
5. Invisibilty- Caster moves so fast they are invisible for 1 minute RT
6. Poison II- Target is sick until midnight or until magically healed
7. Rapid Shot- Archer can shoot two arrows/turn
8. Whirlwind- Caster grows two blades out of front and back in a spinning devastating attack
9. Doubt Faith- Caster's god is blissfully forgetful
10.  Malatov's dramatic death- If caster dies, it will look f**king cool

Level Six Spells
1. Getaway III- Caster can be the one target group of people are not looking for
2. Absorb Weapon III- Caster can hide any object inside both wrists
3. Charm II- Target trusts caster more then usual
4. Major Magical Trap- Caster magically creates major trap of their choosing
5. Escape Artist III- Caster can escape any bonds
6. Poison III- Target receives chosen disease
7. Gizmo's sticky fingers- Can use Climb Wall quicker, also gives benefits to Pick Pocket
8. Judge Class- Caster can tell if target is: slave, poor, commoner, lower middle class, middle class, upper middle 
class, rich, noble, or royalty
9. Disable Minor Trap- Caster can disable target minor trap
10. Freudian Thoughts- Target perceives everything as a sexual innuendo. A thrust with a sword... eating a taco... 
you get the idea, lasts until midnight

Level Seven Spells
1. Disable Major Trap- Caster can disable target major trap
2. Charm III- Target becomes caster's friend
3. Acid Hands- Casters hands have the ability to melt through all substances, caster loses hands
4. Cat Spirit- Caster gains Walk Silently, Safe Fall, Silent Fall, Jump, and will always land on their feet. Also caster 
grows claws from hands, making them weapons.
5. Expose Traps II- All traps within caster eye sight glow and caster knows how trap works
6. Sneak Pre-view- Caster can tell see inside target pouch
7. Spectral Eye- Caster can see through a telepathically controlled floating eyeball
8. Cloud Walk- This spell allows the recipient to walk on any form of fog, cloud, or smoke as if it were solid. The 
recipient may move at normal movement rate, plus the movement rate of the smoke 
9. Darkrays Enhanced Daggers- Touched dagger, dirk or knife when next thrown will turn into an energy ball
10. Paldeggeron's Accurate Arrow- Caster's next missile weapon attack will home in on whomever the target is, 
always hitting

Level Eight Spells 
1. Protection from light- No light affects caster, they appear as a shadow. This goes for light spells, or flashlights etc.
2. Secret Torch- Creates a torch the caster can manipulate, only the caster can see the light and the flames are cold 
and harmless. Caster is able to pass off the torch, and up to two people can touch it at once
3. Spider Climb II- Caster can walk on any surface without slipping, and climb walls and ceilings. Caster can also stick 
to unstickable surfaces. Caster also gains Jump without losing the spell
4. Bone Bow- Summons a magical bow for the span of one battle, firing two bone arrows a turn. Arrows explode near 
target and send shrapnel flying
5. Circle Against Law- Creates a thin covering over caster. Caster cannot be touched or attacked or cast spells on by 
a creature with a lawful alignment or in a lawful profession
6. Darklights Rubbery Transformation- Casters skin becomes rubbery, they can bounce easily, blunt weapons, impact, 
and falling damage do not affect the caster, some spells may not work. Caster's equipment is under same effect
7. Animate Tattoo- Target tattoo comes to live and serves whomever's body it came off of, different tattoos may have 
different powers depending on DM's decision
8. Backstab- Caster snaps fingers and teleports behind target creature (creature must be visible and not with back up 
against something, i.e. chest, wall, other creature etc). An image of the caster remains in original spot for 2 rounds)
9. Trade Pouch- Caster may choose to trade pouch containing at least 1 Platinum with target creatures pouch. Spell will 
not work if caster knows what’s inside target pouch already
10. Jadwins Deceiving Forgery- If given a sample of target creatures writing, caster can duplicate writing styles 
exactly. Caster can also tell if a piece of writing is a forgery or not

Level Nine Spells
1. Walk Through Walls- Caster has ability to walk through target wall, inflicts minor damage on caster
2. Suggestion- Target agrees with caster for whatever they suggest
3. Teleport Item- Target item reappears in casters hand unless magically held
4. The Key Warden- Caster summons a 8 foot tall shadowy humanoid know as the "Key Warden" or the 
"Keeper of the Keys". He can open up any contraption where a lock is employed. He will not fight unless to 
defend himself. He will not give the keys to anyone. (once a week)
5. Stop Time- Caster stops time for one minute RT (once a week)
6. Soul Switch- Caster switches body with target creature for 30 seconds, enough to perform one action. If target body 
is killed while caster is in it then caster dies. If casters body dies, caster is trapped in target body
7. Cheat Death- An attack or spell that would normally kill the caster is avoided and reflected on a nearby party member, 
can even be used when unconscious
8. Steal Spell- Caster gains a random spell from target creature and can use it once, at midnight or once its used 
(whichever comes first) the creature who originally had the spell regains if but cannot use it again until they've slept for 
six hours
9. Redo- Caster can reverse time and take back five minutes worth of action
10. X-Ray- Caster can see through substances that you could not normally see through

Rogue Level 10 Classes:
Master Rogue- Rogue continues to learn in the ways of the rogue, exacting their thieving talents
Seducer/ Seductress- Rogue can manipulate the human mind, using sexuality to get what they want
Assassin- Rogue learns the killing perfection of assassins, possibly hiring themselves out
Dungeon Delver- Rogue is clued into where hidden temples are and becomes an expert at navigating through the dark 
tunnels and complex traps
Pirate- Rogue seeks the sea and to be on a crew to loot other ships
Spy Master- Rogue learns how to go undercover, discovering secrets and double crossing
Rogue Acrobat- Rogue becomes finely tuned with their own body, being able to maneuver in the toughest of situations