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The Shining One
Greater Deity
Symbol: Sun face
Home Plane: Elsium
Alignment: Neutral good
Portfolio: Sun, light, strength, healing
Worshippers: Bards, rangers, druids, healers, commoners
Domains: Good, Healing, Strength, Sun
Favored Weapon: Mace

Though widely revered as a peaceful and gentle deity who alleviates suffering, Pelor also has more martial
aspects. He brings his wrath to bear on darkness and evil, and he invigorates and heals those who champion
the cause of good.

Pelor teaches that the energy of life originates from the sun. This light brings strength to the weak and
health to the injured, while destroying darkness and evil. He urges his followers to challenge the forces
of corruption aggressively, but also to remember that just as staring at the sun can cause blindness of the
eyes, relentless attention to the destruction of negative forces can blind the heart to the true
essentials of life: kindness, mercy, and compassion.

Worshippers of Pelor: Oskarion Balderk