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Level One Spells
1. Create Undead I- Raises target dead creature to serve the master until killed, creature moves and fights 
at half speed
2. Cantrip- Caster creates a minor magical effect, not affecting battle
3. Spoil- Target food/water is spoiled
4. Harmful Slumber- Target creature sleeps with nightmares and any open wounds shall be infected
5. Cause Fear- Target creature flees
6. Detect good- All creatures for 5 minutes RT with a good alignment glow to the caster
7. Destroy Undead I- Target Undead Creature is destroyed
8. Chill Touch - Touched creature goes completely numb for one minute RT
9. Shocking Grasp- Touched creature gets lightning damage
10. Vampiric Touch- Harms touched target, heals caster

Level Two Spells
1. Disrupt sanctuary- Negates Sanctuary of target cleric of lower or equal level
2. Hide Person- Target 3 creatures or items are protected from scrying spells for one day
3. Obscuring Mists- Caster is surrounded by fog
4. Wail of the banshee- Stuns all nearby good creatures for 5 minutes RT
5. Destroy Undead II- Target 2 undead creatures are destroyed
6. Ghost Sounds I- Caster creates minor sounds
7. Poison Food/Drink I- Target food or drink gains spell Poison I
8. Halt Undead- .Target Undead creature cannot move for 3 rounds
9. Web- Fills 20’ radius spread with sticky spider web
10. Touch of Disease I- Touched creature gains minor curable disease of choice

Level Three Spells
1. Create Undead II- Raises target dead creature to serve the master until killed, creature moves and 
fights at normal speed
2. Circle Against Good- No good creature may enter or attack through a 10' radius circle permeating 
from the caster
3. Feign Death- Caster can slow breathing and other vital signs to appear dead
4. Destroy Undead III- Target 3 undead creatures are destroyed
5. Cause Pain I- Target creature cannot attack or defend for one turn due to the pain
6. Absorb- Caster can absorb some elements
7. Silence- Negates sound in a 15' radius
8. Curse I- Creates a minor negative effect on target creature
9. Reopen- Target wound reopens
10. True Sight- Caster can see through illusions of equal or lesser level

Level Four Spells
1. Destroy Undead IV- Target 4 undead creatures are destroyed
2. Ghost Sounds II- Caster creates minor sounds of choosing
3. Shadow- Creatures cannot distinguish between caster and casters shadow
4. True Sight- Caster can see through illusions
5. Mask Mind- Negates Sense Motive and Read Mind
6. Ball of Darkness- Target good creature receives major damage
7. Cause Pain II- Target creature cannot attack or defend for two turns due to the pain
8. Wall of Fire- Creates a 10' square wall of fire
9. Wall of Ice- Creates a 10' square wall of ice
10. Chill Touch- Touched target goes completely numb for 5 minutes RT

Level Five Spells
1. Create Undead III- Raises target dead creature to serve the master until killed, creature moves and 
fights at normal speed, and has all spells/abilities they had before they died
2. Poison Food/Drink II- Target food or drink gains spell Poison II
3. Thunder Storm- Causes bad weather surrounding target creature for one mile for 24 hours
4. Curse II- Creates a major negative effect on target creature
5. Cause Pain III- Target creature cannot attack or defend for three turns due to the pain
6. Disguise Undead- Target three undead creatures cannot be defined as undead by sight or the spell 
Detect Undead
7. Unseen Servant- Invisible copy of caster obeys caster for three minutes RT
8. Ghastly Hand- Functions as Mage Hand but can perform touch spells
9. Ray of Enfeeblement- Target loses half of weight
10. Destroy Undead V- Caster destroys target minor evil creature, or all undead creatures in sight

Level Six Spells
1. Cause Pain III- Target creature cannot attack or defend for three turns due to the pain
2. Ghost Sounds III- Caster creates major sound(s) of choosing
3. Touch Of Disease II- Touched creature receives one major curable disease
4. Shatter Barrier- Target Barrier cast by creature of equal or lesser level is dispelled
5. Aging- Target ages at 1 year per turn, effects revert to normal at midnight 
6. Expose Alignment- Dispels any Hide or Mask Alignment spells
7. Darkness- Target area is filled with darkness, any form of magical or nonmagical light does not work
8. Desecrate- Bring evil into target area, making undead stronger
9. Protection from Good I- For 5 minutes RT; caster cannot attack good creatures, or be attacked by 
10. Shield of Evil- Protected against attacks from good gods

Level Seven Spells
1. Curse III- Target group (5 or less) receives one major chosen negative effect
2. Create Undead IV- Raises target three creatures as undead per Create Undead III, If raising only one 
or two creatures, remaining are skeletons from ground: Studded Leather Armor, Broadsword, 30HP, Cannot 
be healed
3. Chill Touch III- Touched creature receives hypothermia and falls unconscious
4. Poison food/drink III- Target food/drink gains Poison III (chosen disease)
5. Last Experience- Caster will relive the last few minutes of target corpse's life. If creature was killed by a 
gaze attack then caster suffers same attack
6. Summon Spirit I- Caster summons a spirit to haunt target area or creature with a large ritual
7. Cheat Death- An attack or spell that would normally kill caster is avoided and reflected on target ally, can 
even be used when caster is unconscious
8. Protection from Good II- For 5 minutes RT; caster cannot attack good or neutral creatures, or be attacked 
by them
9. Spectral Eye- Caster can see through a telepathically controlled floating eyeball
10. Resist Holy- Caster resists effects of Holy water, blessed water, hallowed places etc

Level Eight Spells 
1. Touch of Disease III- Touched creature receives one major incurable disease
2. Soul Bind- Target corpse cannot be raised
3. Dark Beam- Caster emits a powerful beam of light continually from their hand, destroying creatures hurt 
by darkness
4. Protection from Good III- For 5 minutes RT; caster cannot be attacked by neutral or good creatures
5. Cloud Walk- This spell allows the recipient to walk on any form of fog, cloud, or smoke as if it were solid. 
The recipient may move at normal movement rate, plus the movement rate of the smoke
6. Protection from light- No light affects caster, they appear as a shadow. This goes for light spells, or 
flashlights etc.
7. Bone Bow- Summons a magical bow for the span of one battle, firing two bone arrows a turn. Arrows explode
near target and send shrapnel flying
8. Break Enchantment (C)- All enchantments/curses/petrification etc within a 30' radius are dispelled
9. Destroy Magic- Target magic is destroyed, if it is a spell, then caster loses that spell for one week. If it is a 
magic item, then item crumbles unless otherwise protected
10. Acid Rain- Target rain becomes acid

Level Nine Spells
1. Summon Undead Soldier- Caster summons a massive undead warrior to serve them. 75 HP, Ringmail Armor, 
Florentine unbreakable battle axes, Immune to spells, cannot be healed
2. Unholy Regeneration- Constant for one battle, any time caster receives more then 5 damage, they regenerate 
for 10 HP
3. Soul Jar- Target creature's soul is obtained by caster and they are under caster's control
4. Clone- Clone is made of caster in place of caster's choosing. They will be brought to life upon caster's death
5. Power Word: Kill- Target creature dies
6. Create Undead V- Raises target 5 Creatures as per Create Undead III, If 5 are not raised, summons remaining 
as skeletal warriors: 50 HP, Broadsword, Studded Leather Armor, Immune to spells, Cannot be healed
7. Summon Spirit II- Spirit or demon is summoned by caster to fight for them
8. Jump Plane- Caster can jump to the astral plane and then back again
9. Immune to Pain- Caster feels no pain, despite how much they endure
10. Smite- All good creatures within one mile of caster are harmed. Damage varies depending on how close creature 
are to caster. There is no way to dodge this attack

Necromancer Level 10 Classes:
Master Necromancer- Necro continues training in the ways of the necro, raising greater undead, and summoning
more powerful demons and spirits to serve their will
Assassin- Necromancer seeks to make money by hiring themselves as assassins. Infiltrating big parties and taking 
out high figures, perhaps replacing them with undead copies
Black Guard- Necromancer becomes adept in strategy and combat. They prefer to have strength in numbers, raising 
hordes of undead to squash their foes. This is not someone you want to meet in the cemetery at night
Hexer-  Necromancer becomes adept with how poisons work and look deeply into curses and hexes. They bring 
plagues on cities, and poison water supplies wiping out millions. "The more dead there are... the more undead there are"