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Skills and Abilities Level 1-5
Alertness- Monk is constantly alert and does not suffer penalties from surprise attacks
Improved Ambidexterity- Monk is proficient at using both hands for tasks and combat, and can fight 
Blind Fight- Monk senses where his enemy is and can attack in the dark
Endurance- Monk can battle or do other energy draining feats for prolonged periods of time without tiring
Resist Poison- Monks boosted immune system can counter poison once per day
Resist Disease- Monks boosted immune system can counter a disease once per day
Resist Spell- Monks toughness can overcome a spell of equal or lesser level once per day
Unseen Block- Monk can block attacks he/she is not consciously aware of
Disarm- If Monk is using ranged weapons, such as a whip, they are proficient at disarming an opponent
Deflect Arrows- Monk can block 5 arrows/day
Deflect Thrown Object- Monk can block 5 thrown items/day
Shatter Arrows- Monk can shatter 5 arrows/day
Shatter Thrown Object- Monk can shatter 5 thrown items/day
Cleave- Monk can do a powerful attack 3 times/day
Leap of The Clouds- By channeling ki, Monk can leap extraordinary distances
Run- Monk can run faster and for longer periods of time
Swim- Monk can swim with armor on and for longer periods of time
Rapid Blows- Monk can land 3 successful blows in one turn (once per day)
Rapid Shots- Monk can land 3 successful arrow shots in one turn (once per day)
Pressure Points- Monk knows pressure points for every race
Counter Attack- Monk can attack if attacked during the enemies turn
Recover- Monk can ignore 3 “misses” per day and count it as a hit
Use Magic- Monk can use magical items without dropping or breaking them
Unarmed Combat- Monk can successfully fight bare-fisted and grapple opponents
Multi-attack- Can attack with many weapons, including physical at once
Body Proficiency- Monk can very successfully attack without weapons
Acrobat- Monk is adept at doing flips, twirls and other athletic techniques to avoid 5 attacks/day, or to 
attack many enemies
Toughness- Monk has punished body so it functions as natural armor
Trance- Monk can go into a trance, ignoring all damage. When coming out of trance monk exudes all 
pain taken in trance into a mind attack on target creature before realizing wounds
Stunning Blow- Monk can paralyze a creature by using their ki

Skills and Abilities Level 6-9
Karma- Upon doing good deeds the monk will be rewarded, upon doing bad deeds the monk will be punished
Wakeful- Monk can go one week without sleep
Improved Endurance- Monk can battle or do other energy draining feats for prolonged periods of time 
without tiring. Monk does no need to sleep to restore spells, monk restores spells at midnight
Improved Resist Poison- Monks boosted immune system can counter magical poison once per day
Improved Resist Disease- Monks boosted immune system can counter a magical disease once per day
Improved Resist Spell- Monks toughness can overcome any spell once per day
Improved Unseen Block- Monk can block attacks while unconscious or in trance
Improved Disarm- Disarms target creature
Improved Deflect Arrows- Monk can block 10 arrows/day
Improved Deflect Thrown Object- Monk can block 10 thrown items/day
Improved Shatter Arrows- Monk can shatter 10 arrows/day
Improved Shatter Thrown Object- Monk can shatter 10 thrown items/day
Improved Cleave- Monk can do a stronger attack (3 rolls)
Devastating Blow- Monk can do an immensely strong attack (3 times damage)
Improved Swim- Monk can hold breath for 10 minutes and can open eyes under water
Improved Rapid Blows- Monk can land 5 successful blows in one turn 
Improved Rapid Shots- Monk can land 5 successful arrow shots in one turn 
Improved Counter Attack- Monk can attack with a spell if attacked during the enemies turn
Improved Recover- Monk can ignore 5 “misses” per day and count it as a hit
Improved Unarmed Combat- Monk can successfully fight bare-fisted and grapple 3 opponents at once 
Improved Body Proficiency- Monk can very successfully attack without weapons (2 rolls)
Improved Toughness- Monk has punished body so it functions as studded leather armor
Improved Trance- Monk can go into a trance, ignoring all damage. When coming out of trance monk 
exudes double all pain taken in trance into a mind attack on target creature before realizing wounds
Ogre Power- Monk can lift basically any weight and throw it
Speed of the Wild- Monk moves incredibly fast and it appears like there are multiple copies of them
Resist Elements- Monk is unaffected by cold, heat, lightning or other elements
Wholeness of Body- Monk is healed for 10 HP
Slow Fall- Monk is under affect of Featherfall
Diamond Body- Monk is completely unaffected by any damage giving attack
Diamond Soul- Monk is completely unaffected by any non-damage giving attack (ESP etc)

Level 10 Classes:
Master Monk- Monk continues learning in the ways of the martial artist. Preferring the bare fist to the weapon. 
They use their inner energy to devastate their foes
Ninja- Monk follows the path of the ninja, using darkness and silence combined with their martial art techniques 
to slay their foes. Ninja's use an assortment of weapons, preferring throwing weapons and Florentine
Monastery Monk- Monk settles down in a monastery, the player must take off 10 quests, Monk becomes one 
with their God perfecting their techniques in training and learning colossal martial art moves
Focuser- Monk becomes adept at channeling their God and masters of trance. They use their trances to build up 
power for devastating attacks, or incredible healing spells
Samurai- Monk takes up foreign exotic weapons such as the curved blade. They believe in honor and are not 
scared of any battles. They do honor to their monasteries in their glorious battles