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Here are some fantasy/roleplaying associated websites, that I happen to enjoy. If you're interested you can check them out.

Official D&D Home Page- Wizards of the Coast have a great game, maybe you've heard of it. It's called D&D. 
This is their site. Very cool. Downloads, and quest help. *Bows down in worship*

Tavern Generator- In my opinion, the best tavern generator online. Even though I never use it, you might be interested in 
wasting time making tavern after tavern after tavern...

D&D Art Gallery- This is where I got many of the pictures I use on my site. I know how you guys love to look
through my D&D books at the pictures, well they got like all the pictures here, from monsters to deities.

The Big List- Of RPG plots that is. Wanna try your hand at DMing? but can't think of a plot? Snag one off this list, 
every DM resorts to this list eventually, THERES NO SHAME IN IT!

The Great Net Spellbook- All the spells you'll ever need...

Generators- Other random generators, pretty basic stuff.