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Battle between Rastlin and Mephetis Dragonne

Turn 1
Mephetis: Unsheathes Dire Flail Of Hextor (+1/+1)
Rastlin: Casts Sandman’s Revenge
-Mephetis uses Resist Spell-

Turn 2
Mephetis: Attacks Rastlin with Dire Flail Of Hextor
-Rastlin dodges twice-
Rastlin: Casts Summon Elemental

Turn 3
Mephetis: Casts Slow on Rastlin 
-Rastlin uses Resist Spell-
Rastlin: Casts Elemental Swarm and successfully raises 2 elementals
Elemental 1: Attacks Mephetis -dodged-

Turn 4
Mephetis: Casts Wings
Rastlin: Casts Dual Casting
Elemental 1: Cannot reach enemy
Elemental 2: Cannot reach enemy
Elemental 3: Cannot reach enemy

Turn 5
Mephetis: Casts Virtue III (X3 to all attacks)
Rastlin: Casts Fireball II, Fireball III, Fireball IV, Fireball V, Fireball Swarm
-Mephetis uses remaining 4 Resist Spells-
Elemental 1: Cannot reach enemy
Elemental 2: Cannot reach enemy
Elemental 3: Cannot reach enemy
Damage: 79 damage is done to Mephetis, bringing him to 71 HP

Turn 6
Mephetis: Destroys three elementals with three uses of Rapid Blows
Rastlin: Casts Summon Without Error

Turn 7
Mephetis: Attacks Rastlin with Dire Flail Of Hextor
-Rastlin dodges- 
Rastlin: Casts Summon Demon I

Turn 8
Mephetis: Casts Arrows of Hextor
-Rastlin resists 4, dodges 2-
Rastlin: Casts Dominate I

Turn 9
Mephetis: Casts Regeneration
Rastlin: Being picked up on the back of his demon
Demon: Picking up Rastlin
Damage: Mephetis is healed for 10HP bringing him up to 81 HP

Turn 10
Mephetis: Casts Confusion
-Rastlin dodges with Uncanny Dodge-
Rastlin: Casts Dual Casting
Demon: Attacks Mephetis
Damage: Mephetis is hit for 24 damage bringing him to 67, but heals 10 and goes to 77

Turn 11
Mephetis: Casts Punch of Hextor mixed with Power Attack and attacks Rastlin
Rastlin: Casts Color Spray, Summon II, Summon III, Summon Monster II, and Summon Monster III
Demon: Takes wounded master out of physical attack range
Damage: Mephetis is blinded; Rastlin takes 60 damage and is now at 90 HP. Mephetis is healed for 10, and is now at 87 HP, Rastlin heals for 5 HP and is now at 95 HP

Turn 12
Mephetis: Casts Divine Favor- restores sight
Rastlin: Commands demon to turn invisible, Casts Enemy Blink brings Meph. to monsters
Demon: Turns invisible with Rastlin
Summoned creatures: 1-11 attack, Troll attacks, Ogre Mage attacks
Damage: Mephetis is hit for 68 damage, bringing him to 19 HP, Mephetis is healed for 10 HP and is brought up to 29 HP, Rastlin heals for 5 HP and is now at 100 HP

Turn 13
Mephetis: Casts Break Enchantment and flies out of physical attack range sheathing Flail
Rastlin: Staying invisible
Demon: Going closer for an attack
Summoned Creatures: Troll cannot reach enemy, Ogre Mage starts chanting
Damage: Mephetis is healed for 10, bringing him up to 39 HP, Rastlin heals for 5 HP and is now at 105 HP

Turn 14
Mephetis: Casts Divine Favor- see invisible
Rastlin: Casts Summon Monster I
Demon: Preparing attack…
Summoned Creatures: Troll cannot reach enemy, Ogre Mage casts Sleep
-Mephetis dodges with Uncanny Dodge-
Damage: Rastlin heals for 5 HP and is now at 110 HP

Turn 15
Mephetis: Casts Energy Drain on Rastlin
Rastlin: Casts Fireball I
Demon: Casts Touch of Death
Summoned Creatures: Python and Troll cannot reach enemy, Ogre Mage begins chanting
Damage: Rastlin is hit for 60 damage, and is now down to 55 HP, Mephetis is healed for 60 HP and is brought up to 99 HP. Mephetis is hit for 2 damage and is brought down to 97 HP. Mephetis is mortally wounded for 96 HP and brought down to 1 HP, Rastlin heals for 5 HP and is now at 60 HP

Turn 16
Mephetis: Draws Mindsword and slays Ogre Mage
Rastlin: Releases Demon and draws Soulcutter
Summoned Creatures: Troll kills Python but is killed by Ogre Mage who is raised
Damage: Rastlin heals for 5 HP and is now at 65 HP

Turn 17
Mephetis: Attacks Rastlin with Mindsword with Rapid Blows
Rastlin: Slays Ogre Mage with Soulcutter
Damage: Mephetis’s 1st and 3rd attacks is blocked, his 2nd hits Rastlin for 1(X3)+15 damage bringing Rastlin down to 47 HP, Rastlin is healed for 5 HP, bringing him up to 52 HP

Turn 18
Mephetis: Attacks Rastlin with Mindsword with Rapid Blows
Rastlin: Activates Cloak of Shadows
Damage: Mephetis’s 1st and 3rd attacks miss, his 2nd hit hits Rastlin for 9(X3)+15 damage, bringing Rastlin down to 10 HP, Rastlin’s becomes hidden, Rastlin is healed for 5 HP bringing him up to 15

Turn 19
Mephetis: Attacks with Mindsword
Rastlin: Moves out of attack range
Damage: Mephetis misses; Rastlin is healed for 5 HP bringing him up to 20

Turn 20
Mephetis: Casts Cure Moderate Wounds
Rastlin: Passes
Damage: Mephetis is healed for 20 HP, bringing him up to 21, Rastlin is healed for 5 HP bringing him up to 25

Turn 21
Mephetis: Starts praying
Rastlin: Passes
Damage: Rastlin is healed for 5 HP bringing him up to 30

Turn 22
Mephetis: Casts Prayer II- see hidden
Rastlin: Attacks Mephetis with Soulcutter
Damage: Rastlin critical hits for 17 damage, bringing Mephetis down to 4 HP, Rastlin is healed for 5 HP, bringing him up to 35

Turn 23
Mephetis: Attacks Rastlin with Mindsword
Rastlin: Attacks Mephetis with Soulcutter
Damage: Mephetis hits Rastlin for 9(X3)+5, bringing him down to 3 HP; Rastlin’s attack is blocked

Turn 24
Mephetis: Attacks Rastlin with Mindsword
Rastlin: Attacks Mephetis with Soulcutter
Damage: Mephetis misses; Rastlin pierces Mephetis’s head armor for 7 damage, bringing him to –3 damage

Turn 25
Mephetis: Unconscious
Rastlin: Sheathes Soulcutter and snaps Mephetis’s neck
Damage: Snaps Mephetis’s neck, killing him

Turn 26
Rastlin: Loots Mindsword, and Townsaver and vanishes

Turn 27
Mephetis: Revived by Hextor and flies off