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Ehlonna of the Forests, Goddess of the Woodlands
Intermediate Deity
Symbol: Rearing Unicorn
Home Plane: Beastlands
Alignment: Neutral Good
Portfolio: Forests, woodlands, flora and fauna, fertility
Worshippers: Elves, gnomes, half-elves, halflings, rangers, druids, hunters, farmers, woodcutters
Domains: Animal, Good, Plant, Sun
Favored Weapon: Longsword

Ehlonna watches over all good people who live in the forest, love the woodlands, or make their 
livelihood there. She likewise protects forests and woodlands from destruction or overuse.

Ehlonna exhorts her followers to live in harmony with their woodland homes, taking only what they need.
The bounty of the forest, Ehlonna teaches, is a gift to be cherished and appreciated, not a treasure to
be coveted or looted.

Worshippers of Ehlonna: Alanna