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P-Must be played  
S-Must be sung 
C-Does not require playing or singing 
M-Requires playing or singing

Level One Spells
1. Crescendo (M)- As long as music is playing, nearby allies slowly gain in physical and mental strength, 
as soon as music stops, all allies revert to former status
2. Song of Protection (M)- As long as music is playing all allies touching the caster are protected by a 
transparent barrier shielding them from the following three physical attacks
3. Theme song (C)- This spell allows the caster to choose which character's theme song will play during 
the next/current battle
4. Lullaby (M)- When lullaby is played all hostile creatures within a 10' radius of the caster will fall asleep 
for the duration of 1 minutes in RT (real time)
5. Song of Joy (M)- Negates the spell Silence
6. Easy Math (C)- The caster is able to solve math problems instantly
7. Percussion (C)- Creates illusory drum accompaniment
8. Ambient song (C)- Masks bardic music effects as other sounds
9. Spectral Instrument (C)- Summons a random instrument for the bard to play for the span of one song
10. Song of Restoration (M)- As long as music is playing, one of two actions may be taken by the caster. 
All wounds on nearby allies including caster may be closed, or any poison/disease effect on one target may be cured

Level Two Spells
1. Fortissimo (C)- All songs played for 15 minutes RT shall be projected so any bard spells that 
require physical contact with the caster shall now work within a 30' radius
2. Harmonize (S)- For 5 minutes RT the bard gains the ability to beautifully blend with any other 
Bards singing within a 5' radius
3. Healthful Slumber (M)- If played before sleeping, the caster and any allies within a 10' radius 
sleep without nightmares and the caster can choose to either close all wounds in the party, or to cure
the poison/disease effect of one party member
4. Hymn of Praise (S)- While being sung, all creatures within hearing range of a good alignment gain 
power, all within hearing range of an evil alignment lose power
5. Infernal Minor Seconds (P)- While being played, all creatures within hearing range of a good 
alignment gain power; all within hearing range of an evil alignment lose power
6. Cure Light Wounds (C)- Target creature is healed from bleeding, infection and other minor non-magical 
7. Erase (C)- Mundane or magical writing vanishes
8. Hypnotize (P)- All creatures within hearing range lose their next turn and ability to block for 
one turn
9. Message (C)- Allows a whispered conversation at a distance
10. Mending (C)- Makes minor repairs on an object

Level Three Spells 
1. Allegro (P)- All nearby allies' speed and jumping distance increase for duration of song
2. Choir I (C)- 10 ghostlike singers appear behind the bard, using harmonize for the span of 5 minutes 
RT, increasing successfulness of spells cast by bard
3. Follow the Leader (P)- All minor enemies within hearing range are attracted to the bard, and will 
follow them for the duration of the song, or until threatened with immediate and obvious danger to them or 
their nearby companions
4. Listening Coin (C)- The bard can hear all conversations as if standing in the spot where this is cast 
up to 50' away
5. Ritard (M)- Target creature moves at half speed for duration of song
6. Blindness (C)- Makes target creature deaf until midnight
7. Deafness (C)- Makes target creature blind until midnight
8. Blur (C)- Target creature's vision is blurred for 5 minutes RT
9. Light (P)- Instrument being played glows for duration of song
10. Delay Poison (C)- Delays poison from harming target for 15 minutes RT

Level Four Spells
1. Persuasive (C)- Could sell a tinderwig hat to a troll
2. Fine tuning (C)- Caster is overcome with OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)
3. Focusing Chant (S)- Caster is oblivious to all outside distractions/damage for 5 minutes RT
4. PMS (Parasitic Melody Syndrome) (P)- Song that caster plays is stuck in target creatures head 
until midnight
5. Feather fall (C)- Target object or Creature falls slowly
6. Glitterdust (C)- Blinds all nearby creatures, outlines invisible creatures
7. Magic Mouth (C)- Speaks desired phrase when triggered
8. Pyrotechnics (C)- Changes fire into either blinding light or choking smoke
9. Undetectable Alignment (C)- Hides alignment until midnight
10. Daylight (C)- 60 ft. radius of bright light

Level Five Spells
1. Whispering Wind (C)- Sends a short message up to one mile/level
2. Silence (C)- Negates sound in 15' radius
3. Shatter I (C)- Sonic vibration damages target object or destroys target crystalline object/creature
4. Summon Creature I (C)- Summons a minor creature to fight for the caster for the expanse of one 
5. Tongue (C)- Caster can speak any language for 5 minutes RT
6. Cause Fear (C)- Target creature flees
7. Sense Invisibility (C)- Caster gains ability to see all invisible creatures for 1 minute RT
8. Cure Moderate Wounds (C)- Target creature is healed from bleeding, infection, fractures, poisons and 
minor magical and non-magical injuries
9. Mask Object (C)- Hides target object against magical sight and divination
10. Levitate (C)- Caster moves up or down at will safely

Level Six Spells
1. Song of Curse (M)- As long as music is playing, everyone within hearing range (except caster) falls 
under curse of casters choice
2. Slow (M)- As long as music is playing, everyone within hearing range (except caster) moves and fights 
at half speed
3. Dispel Magic (C)- All magic within a 10 foot radius of the caster is dispelled
4. Displacement (C)- Target creature only has a 50% chance of hitting for next turn
5. Emotion (M)- As long as music is playing, everyone within hearing range (except caster) openly expresses
 their innermost emotions
6. Gust of Wind I (C)- Target small creature is knocked backwards or blown away
7. Haste (M)- As long as music is playing, everyone within hearing range (except caster) moves and fights 
at double speed
8. Illusory Script (C)- Caster uses language in writing only desired person(s) can read
9. Magic Circle against Chaos/Good/Evil/Law (C)- Drawn circle (containing no more then 3 people) 
protects inhabitants from alignment
10. Remove Curse (C)- Target creature has all curses removed

Level Seven Spells
1. Gaseous Form (C)- Caster can turn into a gaseous form for 1 minute RT
2. Invisibilty Sphere (C)- All creatures within 10' of caster (including caster) turn invisible for 1D6 rounds
3. Phantom Steed (C)- Caster summons a spectral horse to ride for one trip
4. Remove Disease (C)- Target creature is cured from all diseases
5. Sculpt Sound (C) Caster can create/change target sound
6. Blink (C)- Caster relocates self up to 10 feet away
7. Gust of Wind II (C)- Target medium creature is knocked backwards or blown away
8. Detect Scrying (C)- Caster can sense when allies or self are being detected by scrying spells
9. Hold Monster (C)- Like Hold Person, only with any creature
10. Cure Sphere (C)- Cure Light Wounds is cast on everyone within 10' of caster

Level Eight Spells
1. Leomunds Tiny Hut (C)- A 5' Cube appears around caster, up to 9 people may come and go from 
within the cube freely but if the caster leaves then the hut is destroyed. The hut protects whomever 
is inside it from all attacks and elements. It stays at a comfortable 70 degrees and no combat or 
spellcasting may ensue within it
2. Scrying (C)- Caster can see where and in what direction a person or object lies and watch them for 5 
minutes RT
3. Sigil of Sound (C)- Any creature who reads this carved symbol is affected by Cause Pain for 5 turns 
due to the intense amount of sound the blasts their eardrums
5.Wind Wall (C)- A 50' square wall of wind appears for 5 rounds, blowing in the direction of the casters 
5. Break Enchantment (C)- All enchantments/curses/petrification etc within a 30' radius are dispelled
6. Modify Memory (C)-  Erase, Restore, Modify or Implant 5 minutes of target persons memory
7. Shout (S)- All creatures within hearing range go deaf until midnight
8. Control Water (C)- Caster can control water level, either raising or lowering it
9. Obsession (C)- Target creature has "hot pants" for target creature for 24 hours
10. Mislead (C)- Mirror Image is made of caster in casters place while caster turns invisible, works for 5
rounds, or 10 minutes RT

Level Nine Spells
1. Cure Critical Wounds (C)- Target creature is healed of any magical or non-magical injuries
2. Dimension Door (C)- Caster instantly teleports to another location within 50 feet/ level
3. Dismissal (C)- Target creature not from the current dimension that the caster is in must return instantly to 
their home dimension or plane
4. Dominate Person (C)- Target person serves caster as slave until midnight
5. Chord of Doom (P)- All creatures within hearing range will roll for death 3 times, if 100% death, then 
creature dies
6. Spellscan (C)- Caster is aware of any spellcasting that goes on within 100'
7. Control Weather (C)- Caster can summon or dispel any type of natural weather
8. Eyebite(C)- By simply meeting the gaze of target creature caster can choose to either affect them with 
Charm, Cause Fear, Cause Disease, or Sleep
9. Repulsion (C)- Upon seeing the caster all creatures most roll a D6, 1 nothing happens, 2-3 Creature 
vomits and passes out, 4-6 Creature flees
10. Improved Invisibility (C)- Caster can remain invisible for as long as they want

Bard Level 10 Classes:
Master Bard- Bard continues to learn in the ways of the bard, exacting their musical talent and 
entertaining qualities
Singer- Bard trains more in Voice training, becoming a master singer
Dancer- Bard learns how to fluctuate their body, creating hypnotic movements and acrobatic techniques
Musician- Bard trains in a specific instrument, mastering it and learning special spells as per their instrument
Jester- Bard learns more how to entertain, being hired by royalty and always knowing a joke or two