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Skills and Abilities Level 1-5
Endurance- Barbarian can battle or do other energy draining feats for prolonged periods of time without tiring
Resist Poison- Barbarians boosted immune system can counter poison once per day
Resist Disease- Barbarians boosted immune system can counter a disease once per day
Resist Spell- Barbarians toughness can overcome a spell of equal or lesser level once per day
Trip- Barbarian is keen at tripping people
Disarm- If Barbarian is using ranged weapons, such as a whip, they are proficient at disarming an opponent
Great Cleave- Barbarian can do a powerful attack 5 times/day
Trample- Barbarian can steer an animal to run over enemies
Counter Attack- Barbarian can attack if attacked during the enemies turn
Recover- Barbarian can ignore 3 “misses” per day and count it as a hit
Armor Proficiency- For every level gained, the Barbarian can wear the next level higher armor
Weapon Proficiency- For every level gained, the Barbarian can use the next level higher weapon
Shield Proficiency- For every level gained, the Barbarian can use the next level higher shield
Rage- Barbarian can enrage themselves once a day/level adding bonuses to all attacks and health
Unarmed Combat- Barbarian can successfully fight bare-fisted and grapple opponents
Break Door- Barbarian can easily break through non-magically sealed doors
Break Cage- Barbarian can easily break through non-magically sealed cages
Bend Bars- Barbarian can easily bend non-magical bars
Clever Wrestling- Barbarian has a better chance to escape grapples
Favored Enemy- Barbarian can choose one race to get benefits when attacking, Barbarian must attack 
whenever they see this race
Intimidate- Barbarian can intimidate a creature
Chuck- Thrown weapons go farther and hit with more power
Parry- Barbarian can parry more attacks
Remain Conscious- Barbarian can keep from passing out
Use Magic- Barbarian can use magical items without dropping or breaking them
Resistance to Cold- Barbarian can avoid Cold attack once per day/level
Resistance to Heat- Barbarian can avoid Heat attack once per day/level
Resistance to Electricity- Barbarian can avoid Electric attack once per day/level
Resistance to Sound- Barbarian can avoid Sonic attack once per day/level
Resistance to Acid- Barbarian can avoid Acidic attack once per day/level

Skills and Abilities Level 6-9
Wakeful- Barbarian can go one week without sleep
Improved Endurance- Barbarian can battle or do other energy draining feats for prolonged periods of time 
without tiring. Barbarian does no need to sleep to restore spells, Barbarian restores spells at midnight
Improved Resist Poison- Barbarians boosted immune system can counter magical poison once per day
Improved Resist Disease- Barbarians boosted immune system can counter a magical disease once per day
Improved Resist Spell- Barbarians toughness can overcome any spell once per day
Improved Disarm- Disarms target creature
Improved Great Cleave- Barbarian can do a stronger attack (3 rolls)
Bull Rush- Barbarian run over enemies
Improved Counter Attack- Barbarian can attack with a spell if attacked during the enemies turn
Devastating Blow- Barbarian can do an immensely strong attack (3 times damage)
Improved Recover- Barbarian can ignore 5 “misses” per day and count it as a hit
Greater Florentine- Barbarian is stronger with Florentine weapons
Extended Rage- Barbarian can enrage themselves for longer periods of time (Rage is needed)
Extra Rage- Barbarian can Rage two more times per day then they normally could (Rage is needed)
Instantaneous Rage- Barbarian can Rage instantly (Rage is needed)
Intimidating Rage- When Rage occurs all creatures must save against Cause Fear (Rage is needed)
Improved Unarmed Combat- Barbarian can successfully fight bare-fisted and grapple 3 opponents at once 
Improved Break Door- Barbarian can easily break through magically sealed doors
Improved Break Cage- Barbarian can easily break through magically sealed cages
Improved Bend Bars- Barbarian can easily bend magical bars
Strong Soul- Barbarian is immune to any fear attacks
Ogre Power- Barbarian can lift basically any weight and throw it
Scent- Barbarian can track with scent
Retain Control- Barbarian can retain control during Rage (Rage is needed)
Empowered Rage- Barbarian can use spells and items during Rage
Uncanny Dodge- Barbarian can dodge attacks that they normally could not dodge
Grapple- Barbarian can grapple his opponents, rendering them helpless as he beats them down
All Weapons- Barbarian can use any weapon
Weapon Finesse- Barbarian becomes superior with chosen weapon
Rock hard skin- For 5 attacks, Barbarian's skin acts as Mythril Armor

Level 10 Classes:
Master Barbarian- Barbarian continues learning how to use their innate power and the power for the earth 
around them to attack ferociously, making them the strongest combatant creatures in the world.
Mercenary- Seeking money, the barbarian sells themselves as a Mercenary, hired to assassinate powers, or 
to join in a crew of adventurers
Rebel- The Barbarian, disapproving of any form of government, seek to strike out against the "laws" and 
"ordinances" of the world, leading the lands in a revolution
King/Queen of the Wild- They have climbed the highest mountains, and tread the deepest deserts. They 
are the masters of their terrain, living in solitude for 10 quests, building their power and becoming literally 
one with nature
Berserker- The Barbarian, driven by the insanity of the world around them have channeled their anger as 
well as the anger of others into a energy source deep within their body. They gain the ability to draw upon 
this energy to become truly enraged, becoming extremely powerful.