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KTLA Mo(u)rning Show -March 31 1998

[probably one of the worst interviews ever, with none-interested hosts and loathsome attitude]

Reneé O'Connor
Reporter: Andrea Watkins

Female Reporter: We have here in the studio, Reneé O'Connor, who's on Xena: Warrior Princess as Xena's best friend and sidekick, Gabrielle. Good morning. Welcome, welcome to the show.
Reneé: Good morning.

So, the wedding... Somebody got married on Saturday...
A tall, slender woman-

[interrupts ROC] Xena, Warrior Princess gets married. Were you there?
Male Reporter: And to keep it so quiet...

I was there. Well, it was the big event. Yes, it was very quiet. It was absolutely charming, beautiful. Lucy looked gorgeous.

Now, what does this do to... because there are some people who see, well, a relationship between you two, a closeness on the show.
Right, right.

Has this affected that at all, now that she's gone off and married someone?

Someone... the executive producer of the show, but hey...
He is male, yes. Well, it, uh [thinking]

He is male... [giggle-giggle-giggle in the background]
Well, it causes a bit of a problem, I guess. You know, the characters are separate from reality, so we're still...

Oh, no, no, I forgot that.
Yeah, funny, it's a thin line. [Way to go, ROC!] But, um, so there's still me, so who knows? Um, the pressure, as Gabrielle now having to fight a little harder for Xena's... umm-

So it was a lovely wedding, in reality.
Uhm, yes.

That's great.
Your roles are very physical, very adventurous, there's a lot of action. Is this kind of what you thought you'd be getting into as an actress?
No, actually, because I'm a bit klutsy around the house.

You'd never know that from watching the show.
Well, a few people [throws a few fake punches] have felt, you know, kicks and fists that are coming to jaws that are a bit too close for comfort. But that's part of it. You train. You try to do the best you can, and I do some training outside of work, but-

Did you have to- uh, we're going to look at a clip after this...; -but I was just wondering, did you have to do any of that when you tried out in the audition for...
No, not at all. Gabrielle is supposed to be the sidekick who is a bard. She goes around telling the stories of Xena and as she's become a little more formidable, she's had to take a on couple of people on her own and-

You know, what? It's irresistable to do that kind of stuff.
It is!

Let's take a look at Xena: Warrior Princess: The clip shown is from the beginning of the episode The Quest showing Gabrielle defending Xena's coffin from several henchmen bent upon stealing Xena's body.
That stick got a little too close...
Yeah, how could you be on a show and say, oh, everybody else has to kick and knock everybody, but you don't? Of course you have to.. it's irresistable. [Huh?]
Well, I started off with a toothpick and kept hitting people and pinching people and they said, okay, and they gave me a bigger staff and now it's over my head.

Show us one kick, one kick.
Okay. [ROC stands. Please knock 'em senseless, Reneé?...]

I just want to see if you can do it. Just in case you think she's not really doing it on the show. Now, who would you like to kick? [taps male reporter on the shoulder. ROC looks at him.]
I think you're in my view. [Reneé kicks and goes down. She stands back up, without embarrassment.]

Look at that. She misses you blahblahblah [-something]
The male reporter takes a bat from under the desk and takes up a defensive attitude. ROC retakes her seat.
-I've got a baseball bat! I'm totally ready.

Xena: Warrior Princess right here on KTLA 5 on Saturdays at 4pm. A very popular show. Reneé...
Reneé O'Connor.

Thank you for coming.
The male reporter pretends to sword-fight. ROC has her hands up in mock-defense. She's on guard. And they wanted her to just tell stories. No way.

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