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Very Basic Page

This is a character from a story that I'm writing. I've moved from RPG characters to illustrating what I've imagined seperately from a gaming environment.

In the storyline of one of my RPGs, one of my PCs found one of the NPCs (his niece, to boot) beaten and bloodied by a misguided group of teens. I transfered this piece to a friend's computer before I got my new place so that I could use my tablet to work on it some more, and didn't transfer it back. Oh well. I'm not able to get it back now.

This is the group shot. Standing from left to right: Max, Al, Milcancia, Vash, Hydlynn.

Sitting/Kneeling: Khaldune, Celebrin, and Sarah

Al is the one that found his niece all pulvarized. This game is no longer played. It was fun.