This is the official website for Sarah. Here you can see what she has been up too, new developments, and other interesting facts on her. You can read Sarah's writings, you can e-mail her, and you can see pictures of her lastest adventures. ENJOY!

Mini Bio:
I'm 24, I live in Napa, CA with my mom. I LOVE The Crow. I'm completely obsessed with the movies/books and everything that goes along with it. I also love Brandon Lee. I find beauty in dark things, i.e.: vampires, demons, monsters and just about anything else that the rest of the world is scared of. I also like Care Bears and Sponge Bob. I don't like the mainstream and if I happen to like something that is "in" or "cool" it is merely on accident. I don't fit into a "catagory" or group of people because I don't want to. I'm too normal for the goths and too goth for the popular kids. So, there you go. :) The point is I'm just me, say what you will. I'm also not very girly, and yet I wear make-up and love my long nails. I'm one of those girls that you could take out with the guys or take home to mom. I love a good gosip, but I'm really good at keep secrets. Oh, and I'm a witch. You can always e-mail me if you have any questions or would like something explained. I had Gastic Bypass surgery in September of 2004. I will keep you posted on the weight lose and goodness on the surgery page. :)
