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CAMP X-ray : A Shame for the so called Civilized World

A question to the Civilized World : Are Humans to be treated like Animals?
US Military Police Lance Cpl. Robert Devlin, from 2nd Military Police battalion 2nd Force Service Support Group, displays restraints used for transporting detainees at Camp X-ray, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, January 10, 2002. Camp X-ray will be one of the holding facilities for Taliban and Al Qaida detainees. REUTERS/Shane T. McCoy/US Navy

The prisoners are being detained in temporary open-sided wire cells until a permanent facility has been constructed. Sized 1.8m by 2.4m, these have been described as 'kennels' and 'cages' by critics and dubbed 'a scandal' by a Human Rights Watch spokesman.

The prisoners are not shackled when they are inside their cells. But when they are moved around the camp, for showers or exercise, they are restrained at a 'level appropriate for the person' - which may include hand and leg shackles.

Images of blindfolded prisoners kneeling shackled by wire cages at Guantanamo Bay have ignited international controversy.

The use of restraints, covered goggles, ear muffs and face masks has raised fears that the US is mistreating suspected Taleban and al-Qaeda prisoners.

Googles : Whenever the prisoners are in transit they are blindfolded with goggles covered with black tape.
US officials say this is a security precaution carried out whenever the detainees are likely to be near anyone they may want to attack.

Ear Muffs : The prisoners are issued with ear protectors for the flight from Afghanistan. Ear protection is a standard requirement for all passengers in the military transport planes used for the journey.

Ankle and wrist restraints : During transit the prisoners are handcuffed and shackled around the ankles and to the aircraft seats. These restraints remain in place on arrival at Guantanamo Bay while the detainees wait to be processed in the holding area - where they were pictured kneeling in front of guards. A small number of prisoners have also been sedated during the journey - in some cases for medical reasons, in others because of disruptive behaviour.

Face mask : Prisoners are made to wear surgical masks during transit and until they have been processed on arrival at Guantanamo Bay. US officials say this is a precaution against the transmission of infectious respiratory diseases such as tuberculosis.On admission to the camp, the prisoners are examined by doctors and receive any necessary treatment. Medical staff decide whether to allow the prisoners’ masks to be removed. (Tuberclosis : Hah, why do'nt the US Nation wear Face Masks ?, are they Super Humans ?)

Mittens : The prisoners are made to wear large, thick mittens in transit. US officials say this is for two reasons: security and comfort. The gloves limit the ability of the detainees to manipulate the restraints during the flight. They also keep their hands warm on the aircraft, in which temperatures can drop significantly.

Beard shaved : There have been fears that the forced shaving of prisoners’ beards may be an inhumane violation of the detainees’ religious principles.( What respect does the US have for Islamic Principles ? None )US officials say all the prisoners’ hair is shaved before they leave Afghanistan, as this is the simplest way to deal with lice infestations.The prisoners are provided with toiletries and showering facilities at Camp X-ray and may be allowed to re-grow beards and hair once they are at the base.
A point to mention is that the US officials cited "hygienic reasons" for shaving the beards off the prisoners. This is hardly surprising, coming from the officials of a nation and culture that does not clean itself with water after passing urine or stool, nor cut its underarm and pubic hair and nor wash its hands after using the lavatory. Even independent research into swimming pools in most Western nations has shown that the primary foreign elements contained within the water were urine and faeces. Likewise, research into peanut bowls in bars and pubs in these nations showed that urine was the primary constituent in these bowls other than the peanuts and salt. Therefore, it is amusing that such filthy, unhygienic and unclean individuals have the audacity to make fun of the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (SAWS), the best man to walk the face of this earth, citing "hygienic reasons". The reality is that one hair from the beard of the Prophet (SAWS) is worth more than the life of every American disbeliever put together.

Even more amusing is when Americans ask themselves: "Why does everyone hate us and our country so much?"

Each prisoner has been given:
US army standard-issue 2cm-thick foam sleeping mat
One blanket
Two buckets (one for water, one for waste)
A one quart flask
Two orange boiler suits
A pair of flip-flops
Two bath towels (one for washing, one for use as a prayer mat)
A washcloth
A copy of the Koran

US military personel unload concertina wire which they are using to secure buildings under construction and will be used for "interviews" of detainees at Camp X-ray at the US Naval Base in Guantanamo, Cuba, January 23, 2002. 158 detainees were transferred from Afghanistan are being held in the temporary facility. REUTERS/Joe Skipper


For the Taliban and al Qaeda prisoners held at the sun-soaked US Navy base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, the daily routine is a mix of familiar calls to prayer and warily guarded trips to the latrine, and of bright orange uniforms. Military Police at Camp X-ray observe the prisoners during in-processing to the temporary detention facility on January 11, Photo by Shane T. Mccoy, US Navy

Military Police at camp X-ray on the Naval Base at Guantanamo Bay look over a detainee after an interrogation February 2, 2002. A base spokeswoman said the detainee was moved by stretcher because of injuries suffered before arriving at Guantanamo. The US Military finished construction of the temporary prison and can now more than double its population of Taliban and al Qaeda prisoners, camp officials said. (Marc Serota/Reuters)
One of the Lies : He was moved by stretcher because of injuries suffered
before arriving at Guantanamo. Look at the Caption of the photo below.

ATTENTION EDITORS PLEASE NOTE CAPTION CLARIFICATION Military Police at camp X-ray on the Naval Base at Guantanamo Bay bring a detainee, who arrived at the camp injured, to an interrogation room for questioning February 2, 2002. There are one hundred and fifty eight detainees presently in Guantanamo Bay. REUTERS/Marc Serota
Same person being carried, The CAPTION was tampered, so that no suspicion is raised.

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