
I suppose since my site directory is all Empire Records based...(along with my life) I decided I would Dedicate at least one page to the Most Amazing movie in the entire World. If you ever need to learn a thing...turn to Empire it has all the answers! It really does. If you think your life sucks just take a look at the cast. At east you arent on speed or at least you arent a slut. Oh wait my bad...this is the 21 century about 98% of all girls are...whoops! hehe...so anyways I hope you enjoy. OH! and go out and rent a copy of Empire Records if you have yet to see it!!! You wont regret it!

Amazin Cast

This would be the greatest part of Empire. The cast is Hilarious and without them there would be no Empire Records. And then Alicia wouldnt know what to do. She really wouldnt!! Above from left to right you will see... Deborah The suicidal girl who is just "misunderstood"...Mark the pot-head kid who wants to start his own band...Lucas the guy from Karate kid...Corey the speed freak who is on her way to Harvard...Aj the artist who is in love with Corey...and last but not least MY FAVOURITE of them all Gina...the slutty slut slut girl...hehe...she just doesnt want to grow up to be like her mother...good excuse is it not?!?!

It's JOE!!!

Joe is the owner of Empire and doesnt through Lucas in Jail...what a good Joe! For this reason I love him...Joe you will forever be in my heart...MUAH!

The Love Birds...

This is a pic of Corey and Aj...He spends the whole movie wooing over her when really what the hell is so special about her? like really? so she's going to Harvard BIG DEAL! like woopidy doo...i could go to Harvard if I was a speed freak...I could prolly go to harvard now if i really tried...haha...likes thats ever gonna happen...but still...Aj is n artist and deserves more then a stupid speed freak...in the long run she'll just be a washed up HAS BEEN and she'll have saggy tits too...hahaha...I'm really not a bitter person...i swear i aint...okay so maybe i am...GOT BEEF!?!?!