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Pankakes 150 News


The talent show is in five days!!!

Well, we now have a definite line-up for the talent show! We will be doing a song we made called "Cheese Factory" with Bud as the drummer first, and after that song is over we'll switch quickly into "Canadian Bacon" with Sam as the drummer.

Tonight is the big night! If you wanna know how it went after we've done it, it'll be in the journal tomorrow!

Well, we have finally made a list for what we want to record! We're still gonna record till we have the songs down, though, but we all agree we're gonna get this done before the year's over! So here are the songs that will be on the Free Waffles CD (not in order, though. We're still determining that):

Squirrel Song
Canadian Bacon
No Smoking
I'm Coming Back to the Heart of Worship
Cheese Factory
Bucket of Nothing
God of Wonders

Well, Bud and Sam are gonna work on a song where they'll get to do sort of a "dueling drummers" solo. It's just an idea right now, though.

Belive it or not, we have a new song! Even though, we already have a playlist of what songs we want, we are getting rid of Tress because it's...........well..........boring! The new song is called Lost and Found, and it's more on the side of hard core punk making it different from our other songs. We made it just this last rehearsal, and it sounded great! So, look forward to that song instead of Trees!

We are not going to do "Heart of Worship". The reason is mostly because it was just not meant to be played fast. We dunno what we're song we're gonna replace it with, yet, but we'll figure out something.

Also, the CD is probably not gonna happen till after the new year cause we're only gaining monyet from allowence, we're not old enough to get jobs, and we need to save our money for Christmas gifts!

There's a good chance that the new worship song is gonna be "I Want to Know You More" cause it'll sound great to punk music!

Just this last practice our friend came over and recorded us! His specialty is sound, so he brought a PA system, a sound board, and a mini disc recorder. We recorded almost all of our songs! Since this happened so quickly, we're just gonna go with the flow and make a CD out of it! It's gonna be called Free Waffles: Living Room Edition. We're only giving them out to people who are part of the the Panarchy and friends and family, though.

Today we're gonna re-record most of our songs so it'll sound even better when we get it onto a CD! The last time we recorded we ran into a couple problems, but I think this practice is gonna go a lot smoother.

The first phase of Free Waffles: Living Room Edition is complete! WE have most of our songs on a CD! All we have to do now is fix the sound on some of the songs! We're probably gonna re-do the worship song some time to make it sound better!

I you were wondering what songs are gonna be on the CD, here they are!

Squirrel Song
Canadian Bacon
Be Glorified

For those of you who are part of the Panarchy we're gonna add an extra song that we did for fun! It's called "The Circus Song (Ed the Clown)". Well, expect it to be finished at the most within a couple months!

I forgot to mention that we're gonna be playing at a local church in Colton on the 31st! Our set is gonna be called the Punk-in Patch, so if you live near there, come see us!

We have new things on the site for you to check out! There's now a Pictures page and a new and improved Message Boards to go to! We also have "Bucket of Nothing" as a demo song, but we're not allowed to put it on the site. If you wanna hear it, just e-mail Da llama!

Hi everyone. There are now pictures of the Punk-in Patch now! Most of them came out pretty cool, too! So if you wanna see them just go to the Pictures page!

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

I know this is late and all, but
Merry Christmas!!!

Yet another marquee.....
Happy New Year!!!

Yes! There is actually news! Actually, this is the first news of the year. Well, we wrote a new song this past Saturday that is random and sounds really cool! It's called "What Do I do?". You can check out the lyrics in the Songs section!

Hey, there's more news! Well, there is a new song in the Songs section of the site! It's called "Satan is Stupid". It's a shorter song, but it's really cool! Believe me!