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Project Destiny 2K2

Hey, this is Edward, (aka Kar Ho, aka Orange, aka .....) Anyways, how are you doing!?! What are you doing this summer? Planning for anything fun? Well, I have already planned a fun, exciting, and challenging summer! This summer, I am going to serve God in Project Destiny again!!!

Well, let me explain what is Project Destiny (PD). PD is a summer day camp outreach ministry sponsored by Boston Chinese Evangelical Church (BCEC) for middle school students in and around Chinatown area. It's a program that contains Math & English classes, creating class & projects, as well as charting- a time of songs, skits, & presentations of the Gospel, & the most exciting part, FIELDS TRIP 3 times a week, plus camping at the end!!! It's just AWESOME!!!!!! This year, PD will take place from June 27 to July 7 for Staff training, and July 8 to August 5 for the Day Camp!

In Short, I can tell you that PD is a Miracle! Actually, this will PD's 9th consecutive year! I was one of the campers back in 1998. I still remember the first day of camp. I was afraid to go to this program and I didn't like it at first! :-P But soon after, I was very much engaged in PD. It was where I learned English, dramatically improved my speaking skills, as well as meeting Christ. If it wasn't for PD, I don't think I could have gotten to where I am right now! (^_^) If it wasn't for PD, I don't think I would be a disciple of Jesus at all. It's just a miracle, I am telling you! And because there were counselors who brought God's Gospel to me, I want to be a counselor that will bring His Gospel to future generations. I want to give back what I have received. I also joined PD 2001 (2K+1), but unfortunately, I was not able to stay for the entire summer. Even though the time was short, I have grown spiritually and emotionally. And I thank God for that, for just letting me see the hard work that the counselors put in when I was a camper.

Well, now you would ask why I am doing it again this year? (Since all I talked about was the past!) If you have ever been to PD or involved with it, there is just this attraction that pull you back to PD again and again! It's like you can never forget PD! And God has changed me into a better and more altruistic person than before. He taught me to think about others before myself. For the past several months, I have been busy in working with different events, activities and schoolwork. What I realized was that there were things just to keep me busy; and then, there were things that will add meanings and color into my life (more than orange, that is!). PD is one of those.

I wonder if God is speaking a similar message to you about PD? Just wonder if God will use PD to add a little bit of color onto your life too!? Are you evoked to "join PD in Action" since it is so AWESOME? If you are sensing God is calling you to "join PD in Action," well, it is a little bit late to join the PD staffs now, (but there's always next year!). You can still be "In Action" by committing some time and energy to PRAY for PD 2K+2 this summer! Please pray for us-- Counselors, Campers, families, and everyone that will be helping the program! And all PD staff members need to raise 10 daily prayer partners! The senior counselors also need to raise $600 to cover for training, programming, transportation, meals, etc. Well, I am just a Junior Counselor this year, I just need 10 daily prayer partners, so, please see if you can commit the time and energy to prayer daily for me now and during the summer! Thanks again for your support!

Please COPY the bottom part and reply me ASAP. E-mail the information if you prefer. I NEED to know if you're supporting me so I can send you updates, thank you letters, and other fun stuff!! If you need to get in touch with me:
AIM: OrangeEdwardHK,
ICQ: 101718989

p.s. Here is some awesome pictures of Project Destiny 2001!

-------------------------------------------------(Please COPY to E-mail to reply to me!)-----------------------------------------------------

Name: ______________________________ E-mail Address: ____________________________________

I will pray for PD campers and counselors (& Edward) this summer _______ times a week

I would like to receive e-mail updates from Edward. (Please include you e-mail above)

I also want to say: __________________________________________________________________________

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