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[ Intro ]




Hey, Welcome, Ada, this is specially made for you, it's your birthday, so, enjoy it! Well, I guess I must have given you the Mini Skittles Littles Tubes, hehehe, and it's a address for you to get here! ^_^ Well well well, here is my thoughts for you, (ya, the birthday card is not enough spaces for me to write! LoLz!!!) Well, that's why this is the second part of your gift! ^_^

Well, Here is goes...

~Ed. Orange





[ My Wishes ]

Well, Ada, I glad that I got to meet you, it's one of the precious things in life... And I can proudly that truly you are one! Ada, you are always seeming to be the smart one, ya, the smart little girl... And you always have that smile, which is a good good thing! ^_^

Well, My wishes would be just throughout this entire year, we can really be good friends, and we could really come to trust each other with everyone... Since you kinna knew everything and ya... LoLz... *_^ Well, anyways, I wish that you will continue grow in the Love of God, in His almighty care... And I know you will be able to make it through BLS just easily... (Well, if you ever need help, you know I am always there...!) And just hope that you will have a better year, and just be the person that you always are, the one that is joyful and fun! I think I can go on forever talking, but I guess, you know we are friends, and I guess I will stop with this here... Just hope that during the upcoming year, we can hang out and get to know more! ^_^



[ Your Gift ]

Ok, I guess this is actually the only part that you would really pay much attention too, LoLz... just kidding... anyways, well, You already got Part One of your gift, the promise that I made to you, which was to give you the Candy tube! And I did... Well, here, this webpage, is the Part Two of your gift... And I hope you enjoy it...

Well, Part Three... Ok, what do you want? (Wait, that's a bad question to ask...) LoLz... Well, I don't know what I can really give to you... Caz I don't think any materialistic thing can last... It doesn't good for eternality... Well, let see... I have made something for you... But you are not getting this easily... You will need to use your brain for this one...

Ok, take a look at the sentence below and find the hidden meaning:

"Many Years, Lot Of Common Killed En Road to love..." (*hint, look for the CAPS.) lolz.... just gave that one away... LoLz...

Better found it before Thursday...


[ Outro ]

Well, hope you can find your little homemade present! ^_^ And well, I will see you around, and talk to you later... And thanks for listening... Just there to listen to me... Thankx! *_^

Brought to You by OrangeToYou© 2002, part of the OrangeEdward© 2002 production.

Best View with: Your Eyes & IE 6.0 & 1024 x 768
Language: Simple and Caring
Design: Just a Tower + the Edward Design
Background Music: Cookies- Happy Birthday

Just wish you happy birthday!











Your Gift
