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I am currently attending Boston Latin school as a member of the Class of 2003. My School is the oldest public school founded in the entire United States, which happened to be 1635, more than hundred year before the United States actually got its independence! And it is one of the topest school in and around the Boston Area.

I have worked a lot to get in here, and I think it would be worth something! Here is the Official Boston Latin School site:

Time went by really fast, it was just like yesterday that I walked into the school scared on the first day of my freshman year. Back then, I didn't know anyone, strange to everything, and English was also difficult for me since I can barely speak right in English with the limited amount of time that I was in the States.

Freshman year... I don't know, but that year was not much fun for me, but yet, I evoked a start of favor in Poetry. It was the freshman year that I started to learn about poetry and fall in love with writing Poems.

Sophomore year... hahaha, This was actually a better year, because I had more friends and get familiarize with the place. And I do agree, sophomore year is a good year, because it is between the foolishness to the maturity in high school. The year, there was actually a lot of stuffs that happened that year, and some are good, others are bad and sad. But still, i can say that I did have a good experience, even through the bad and painful times.

Junior year... My current year as a junior, it is like totally crazy!!! And time flies by just like that! But during this year, I did a lot of stuffs. I got more involved with both in school, in my church's youth fellowship and in my youth program. I also meet a lot more friends, and I become more of a leader with my leadership skill from the workshops in my Youth Program called "UP to YOUth." Now, this year is coming to an end, it will put a period onto this fun exciting year. And then...

Senior year... I wonder how it would be? I wonder how it would start from the last period?! I believe it was be even more crazy than the junior year! Yet there will be a lot more fun! And I seriously have to get some pictures of these good people in school before I leave too!

O, well, I talked too much already, so, goodbye, and I hope you will have a good year yourself too!

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