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Kartenya Kennels

You enter the Kreedan's Kennels and are greeted by Kreedan herself. You look around the kennel it is more like a doggie daycare, there are toys everywhere. A mal'sin cub bounds around the room sniffing each toy then slips through a doggie door. You step forward to shake hands...or rather paws with Kreedan and you slip on a ball and topple over.

Kreedan Helps you up. "You gotta watchout for those toys the pup always scatters them even when we clean them all up she aleady has them scatterd again, we can never keep this place clean.

"Then why don't you keep her in the nursary or in a pen." You say dusting yourself off.

"All mal'sin need socialization, she doesn't belong to this kennel she is a gift for another so she willnot be here much longer." Kreedan smiles. You frown. "You are welcome to any area of the kennel and feel free to take any of the mal'sin out to play with they all need attention form new people to keep them happy and gentle."

The puppy runs up to Kreedan, she picks her up and pets her head. "This little one is actually a new type of mal'sin that we have produced they are mini-mal'sin we call them Tan'sa they are very nice for those who only want one or can only handle a small one. They are completely sterile though, but we are trying to fix that." Kreedan snuggles the cute little creature it purrs. "They also as you can see don't sound like mal'sin. Their warning bark is actually a series of cooes and grumbles."

You smile because the creature is so cute. It jumps from Kreedan's arms into yours and you pet her. She purrs for you, then start grumbling at something behind you. You swing around and come face to face with a large mal'sin with spines on her nose and mech legs.

She stares at you for a few minutes then walks over to Kreedan nuzzling her leg. Kreedan actually lifts the mal'sin and snuggles her.

"This is my guardian she stays by me at all times never leaving. She has a twin sister who is actually Red Merle as apposed to her blue merle. Her sister will be Obi's Guardian, boy will she be surprised! Obi loves her mal'sin almost as much as I love mine...maybe more"

She puts the mal'sin down. "Well I best be going and feeding the others." With that she is off, the guardian close behind her. You look ahead at you options.

Sister Sites:
Mal'sin Spirit Kennels
Wanna be a sister site to mine? e-mail me at:

All images and text is copyright 2001-2002 to Kreedan/Alicia Wilson unless otherwise stated. All mal'sin and Tan'sa are copyright to Alicia Wilson. These are created by my mind alone please donot steal tehm or my character. I am the first and only Winged Were-pharaoh hound.....I will know if you copied me.....Kreedan Wainis is my name and my name alone.