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Nikao Dark

"SAUSAGE!Oh...wait..its Hideki..nevermind. ~_^"

"Its all HIS fault!HIS FAULT I SAY!."

"Shh...If you sneak up on him really can pull his tail..."


Name: Nikao Dark

Age: Sixteen

Hair: Ranging from dark Blue to light indigo, cut short to his jawline.

Eyes: Dark blue, streaked with lightning strikes of white and silver.

Nationality: Japanese

Current Position: Defender of himself, his beliefs, his friends, and those with desire to hire a protector.

Appearance:Garbed usually in an array of blues and whites. A jacket of mid-azure cloaks his upper body, a little overly sized, yet seeming to fit perfectly. Cuffed and collared in white, it drapes loosely over rippling white pants, clashing dark on light against them. Knee high boots of darkest ebon are tucked beneath the snowy pants, only the toes and soles showing under the light fabric. A single earing dangles from his left ears, shining with a small stone the hue of his mid-length tresses. Two sheathes are almost always strapped across his back, holding two curved blades, ranging nearly four feet in length. Sheathes of ebon swirled with an intricated array of silver spirals house the two blades, each with a hilt riddled with sapphires.

Personality: Rather opposite to his looks, Nikao is quite a bit more shy than would be expected of him. Keeping mainly to himself and his vast array of books, the quiet nature is quite unbecoming of inner feelings. His desire for betrayal and bloodshed thrives within, though usually masked by an array of good deeds and struggled manners.

Quirk: Most strange to the young man, is his almost constant affliction of having his nose stuck in a book. Be it fact or fiction, he is almost always absorbed by his reading, and takes quite a bit of time reading various novels and volumes kept within the confines of his own home.

History: Raised to be a young lord in his homeland, he fled on his own, untrusting of his own parents, and more so of those he called friends. Keeping quite distant from most as a child, he was only around the age of six when he fled, and began his life amidst the darkened network of streets and alleys of the lower regions of his home. Though much remains unknown about Nikao, this much is known to be absolute: He learned his abilities and lust for bloodshed amidst those darkened alleys, as well as a dark secret that keeps him distant from many, and hateful of others.

Interests/Specialties: Though always in protection or defense of someone, he enjoys being on his own. Lonliness was never a problem, and now, it seems to be all he wants. Never lacking in his abilities in combat, he shows them never in a negative way... though there is a desire inside, that would bring his swords to ravage his path once more.

Dislikes: People. Nikao dislikes most, though the masquerade of falsities that he uses as a coverup almost always overrides nearly all other tendencies.