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Useless Banter By The One And Only....Vanessa Johnson :)


My first banter
My Weekend In Ingonish :)

Alright, ok, im not some net wizard...or a comp nerd...i don't know html, and i can't write programs. I just put this page together so i can rant on like a moron at my own liberty :), hey, every chick's got to vent somehow, and i know my friends get annoyed after a while, this way i can rant all i want and ppl can stop listening when they want, with out the awkward "shut the fuck up ness". Anyway, i guess a lil introduction is in order eh? Alright, my name is Vanessa, im from Sydney Nova Scotia, which is in CANADA for all u ignorant bastards out there, im 19 and goin to Mount St Vincent University in September. Soon i will include a picture that's of my standards. Im not an ordinary gurl, so dont treat me like on. im not a ditz, i don't have a "clique" i have one gurl friend, the rest are guys, so don't candy coat either :) despite what this lil paragraph may portray, im actually very sweet and easy to get along with :) and feel free to add me to ur MSN Messenger list, i'll chat with yas...anyway....Check back often...feed back is welcome! ~*-*~Vanessa~*-*~
