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...Sneaky News...

This issue issued October 6th, 2004, complete with plenty of issues.

This week's issue is brought to you by dancing teeth!

Choose from these sections:

Keep checking back to see what activites we have planned for the guild :)

Aww! Send in your icky, I mean, ICKLE baby picture with a recent picture by October. Monty has a really cool game planned where you match each member to their baby pic. SO send in your pics to by October 28th to enter!

Hallowe'en! Of COURSE fun things will be happening on Hallowe'en... Hallowe'en day we shall have a HALLOWE'EN HOEDOWN! Download AIM and post your screen name on our message board to be included in the festivities! Look for prezzies, games, and much much more!

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We currently have 307 members! And we're always looking for more, so if you have a friend that's guildless or see someone on the chats who is, let them know about us! For every 5 members you recruit, you get a negg, so start recruiting! We need some action around here anyways.

Our Guild Photo Gallery! It's up and running again! You can view it here.
If you'd like to submit your photo (head shots preferred please, pictures of your whole body don't really work, sorry!) Please Click here (or e-mail and be sure to include your Neopets screen name so we can identify you.

Polls! Please don't forget to have your say in the guild by taking the polls every time they're updated.

Banners! Feel free to add one of our beautiful banners to your shop. Not only will this show your guild pride, but it will help us get more members. So click here and follow the simple instructions to add one. And don't forget, Monty randomly goes to 3 people's shops and picks the best one as shop spotlight winner! And you need to have at least ONE banner or the LED sign in it to qualify!

New to the guild? Don't forget that if you've been an active member in the guild for at least a week, you qualify to recieve a newbie pack!

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October 29th, Richardson_family celebrates her birthday!

December 1st, Giggzabit turns 21!

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Classifieds. Neomail me (Giggzabit!) to add your own ad (if you're looking to buy something specific and hoping to get a deal or if you have something to sell and will give a good price to a guild member)

Newtknight is looking for Faerie Cadro, BD Items (esp. Jelly Weapons), Screal, Darigan & Maraquan PBs, Halloween & Mutant PP PBs.

Giggzabit is looking for stuff for her galleries ( has a partial list of which items) and books.

Jester_Lynn is looking for any clothes/candy items

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There's alot of things to keep track of when you're on council. Monty has ALOT of things to keep up, but that's to be expected, she is, after all, our intrepid guild leader. So it makes sense that she would be kept quite busy running our guild.
But... I can't speak for Jaq, Buzzie, and my mom, but I know I am completely falling behind in my duties. Look at the news! It hadn't been updated since March! That's craziness. Jen thankfully seems to have the junk shop under control, which is great, because I can never seem to get my stuff done with time to log in and price items and stock the shop, etc. Gumby of the Month hasn't really been happening every month. The Rogue's gallery had to wait to be updated. I got the User Lookup trophy made, quickly. I would have liked to have spent extra time on it. Not to mention I have only maybe once ever played games in the guild account.
I'm so bad at this keeping things going stuff! I don't get all THAT much time online anymore, but still. Maybe I want to do too much. Maybe I'm just lazy :P
Who knows? Hmmm this was supposed to be an editorial, not a rant. Oh. Hehehe right I forgot :)

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Member listings. Advertise your webpage here or if you're bored just put your AIM, MSN, ICQ, Yahoo screen names, e-mail addys here so we can all chat

(You can chat with Giggzabit on, on AIM-Frapsquad, on Yahoo-dances_with_bunny_ears, on ICQ-72368853 You can e-mail her through the council e-mail address which is, just make the subject GIGGZABIT so it doesn't get deleted by accident)
Click here for Gigg's page

(You can chat with Mistressminimas on AIM-PetitMilou, on Yahoo-Mistressminimas, on
Click here for Jaq's webpage

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Services provided to guild members:

Codestone Swap: Neomail Giggzabit if you'd like to exchange one of your codestones for one you need to train your pet.

Guild Games: Located in various parts of our website are some fun guild games to play. Express yourself and win some cool prizes by trying some of our activities, such as Movie Quote, Song Lyrics, Caption Contest, Tell Me A Story, and MORE!

Addicted to quizzes? Then check out our quiz section to take tons of quizzes, even some made by fellow guild members! Then when you're done, post your results somewhere so we can link our results together :)

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