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A little about the girl who's blonde!  Oh, and some neato links to art and games!

 AIM:  LittleMissykins   E-Mail:  AIM:  ObeyTheBlonde
My Live Journal
   My Art Corner
    Photo Gallery

 Check out my latest photos
 in my Photo Gallery section!
 You can go there by clicking

   Click on the Cartoon-Me 
  head below to see some art
  of mine that I posted on a
   friend's message board.
    Coming soon!  Cartoon 
 buddy icons for AIM from all
 sorts of shows and animated

  ...Also coming soon, My own
    little movie reviews and 
    summaries!  *Squeals*

       Last Updated on
         June 20, 2002


 Hello!  Welcome to my new
 little site.  Now, I know it's not
 that great right now but this is
 just the beginning.  It's still
 under a lot of construction, but
 unfortunately I'm leaving in a
 few days for Florida so I won't
 be able to update for about a
 month.  Anywho, if you want
 to keep in touch just e-mail me
 or add me to your AIM buddy
 list and drop me a line when
 you see me  on!

Something Interesting!
 Last night my friend, Klobber,
 introduced me to this really
 fun website where you can
 play Pictionary!  So check it
 If you see me on under my
 user name (I_am_Missy) then
 give me a message and I'll
 invite you in if I'm on!

*Good MP3 Program*
 Lately I've noticed that a lot of 
 people have been asking me if 
 I know of any good programs 
 to download MP3's and I just 
 decided to let everyone know
 that those bastards finally up-
 dated WinMX so it's a lot fast-
 er and more efficient!  It's also
 a lot more easy to use!  So go
 search google and check it out!