Hardcore Night
::On a Monday night, two men are having a private conversation in a very dark and secretive building. The city and even country of the place is unknown. The two men are Navarre Jarreth (Miss Mina's father) and Marco Fulci. For a brief background of the two individuals, they work for the Puran missionary. Navarre happens to have a very high rank in the missionary, and Marco basically works under him. Both of them are wearing dark clothes to look Gothic and mysterious. They sit face to face during their important conversation.::

Navarre Jarreth and Marco Fulci

NAVARRE JARRETH: You have to do this, Marco. Make sure he dies by tomorrow night.

MARCO FULCI: I have no problem with that, Navarre.

NAVARRE JARRETH: I can't let him get away with what he did to my daughter.

MARCO FULCI: I know just what to do.

NAVARRE JARRETH: My sources told me that he will be in Vegas tomorrow night. However, you have to figure out where specifically in Vegas.

MARCO FULCI: Just leave it up to me. I'll find him.


::Marco stands up. He gets ready to walk away but hesitates. He turns to his mentor with hope on his face.::


MARCO FULCI: Navarre...are you ever going to tell Mina about your illness?

::Navarre sadly thinks. He bows his head down and remains silent.::

MARCO FULCI: She has the right to know.

NAVARRE JARRETH: You're right.

::Navarre looks up at Marco.::

NAVARRE JARRETH: I've kept so many secrets from her over the years. I will tell her sometime this week. Now please...go.

::Marco calmly bows and EXITS.::

::The next night, a new scene takes place in Las Vegas, Nevada. At the CWH Castle Tower (CWH headquarters), the newly crowned EWA Hardcore Champion, Terry Silver, is waiting in the 5th level lobby. Terry is wearing a pair of black Old Navy jeans, a blue/white "Terry Silver" T-shirt, a pair of black Lugz and a short black leather jacket. As he is sitting down, he is skimming through the July issue of CWH Hellcore Magazine. The purpose of Terry being at the CWH headquarters is yet to be revealed. A man ENTERS the lobby. Terry looks away from the magazine and sees the man. He immediately recognizes him. The man Terry sees is none other than Troy Spears, a CWH bodyguard. Troy is wearing a brown/white/black Versace business suit and a pair of dark brown Italian shoes. He looks directly at Terry with a neutral look.::

TROY SPEARS: Mr. Silver...


TROY SPEARS: Mr. Bell would like to see you...in the basement.

TERRY SILVER: Why does he want to see me? I'm only here to pick up Francine's paycheck.

TROY SPEARS: You will receive her check from him. Follow me to the basement.

::Terry stands up with total confusion.::

TERRY SILVER: Why the basement? Doesn't he have an office on this level?

::Troy refuses to answer Terry. He glares at him and EXITS. Terry is still confused about the request. He shrugs his shoulders and EXITS the lobby to follow Troy.::

::FIVE MINUTES LATER. Troy and Terry ENTER the CWH Castle Tower basement. Meanwhile, Rodney Bell is standing a few feet away from them with a small grin. Rodney is wearing a green/blue Armani suit with a pair dark green Italian shoes and a pair of dark shades. Terry and Troy approach Rodney together. Terry remains in front of Rodney while Troy steps behind Rodney. Now, Rodney and Troy are facing Terry.::

Troy Spears and Rodney Bell

RODNEY BELL: Nice of you to drop by, Ter.

TERRY SILVER: I think it's pretty dumb for you to make me come all the way here from New Orleans to pick up Francine's check instead of having the damn thing sent to the house.

RODNEY BELL: There's a reason why I made you come here, Ter.

TERRY SILVER: Don't call me, Ter. Only the people I love can call me that.

RODNEY BELL: Right...now lets get down to business. I want to make a confession. This is about Francine.

TERRY SILVER: What about Francine?

RODNEY BELL: Do you remember watching a Maxcam footage of me and Francine together? And there was another footage of Troy and Francine.

TERRY SILVER: Yeah, I remember. Why?

RODNEY BELL: Do you think there is something going on between me and Francine?

TERRY SILVER: I questioned Francine about it, and she told me that there is nothing going between you two.

RODNEY BELL: Maybe you should think again about her words?

TERRY SILVER: Why? Is she actually sleeping with you?

RODNEY BELL: Well, I hate to tell you this...but yeah...

TERRY SILVER: You're a fucking liar! Francine would never do that. She is totally faithful to me.

RODNEY BELL: She fucked Troy as well.

TERRY SILVER: That's a bunch of bull. I'm not going to believe that shit.

RODNEY BELL: Believe it, Terry. In fact, Misery and Max were in on it.


RODNEY BELL: I thought you should know that they hired us to fuck your wife...just so the two of you can break up.

TERRY SILVER: You know what? You can say your lies but I refuse to buy it. Now, just give me Francine's check so I can get the hell out of here.

RODNEY BELL: There's more to this story, Terry. Your wife was a prostitute.

TERRY SILVER: Yeah, and I was President of the United States. Shut the fuck up! Give me my wife's check so I can get the fuck out of here.

RODNEY BELL: It's true. She had many customers, and I was one of them.

TERRY SILVER: ::growls:: Shut the fuck up!!!!!

::Terry throws a fast punch to Rodney's face. Rodney falls down and covers his face. Troy jumps in front of Terry and positions himself in a kung fu stance. Terry reflects and does the same. Both Troy and Terry are prepared to fight each other with martial art skills.::

TROY SPEARS: You're not the only one who knows some kung fu shit.

TERRY SILVER: You may know it but I am more better at it.

TROY SPEARS: We'll see...

::Troy throws a karate punch but Terry blocks it. The two men are currently blocking each other punches. As the fight is becoming even more intense, Rodney steps between the men to break them up. The short fight ends, and everyone is calmed.::

TROY SPEARS: This is not over between you and me.

TERRY SILVER: Both of you better stay the hell away from my wife.

::Rodney inserts his hand into his inside pocket and pulls out an envelope. He shows Terry the envelope.::

RODNEY BELL: Here's Francine's check.

::Terry snatches the check away from Rodney and puts it in his jacket pocket.::

TERRY SILVER: That will be the last check Francine will ever get from this company because I will make her quit CWH.

RODNEY BELL: So you do know that I was telling the truth?

TERRY SILVER: No...I know that you and Troy cannot be trusted. I still think what you said was bullshit.

::Terry storms to the exit door.::

RODNEY BELL: Hey Mr. Silver!

::Terry stops and faces Rodney and Troy. He glares at them.::


RODNEY BELL: Soon...you will know that I wasn't bullshiting.

::Terry does not say a word to him. He turns back around and EXITS the basement.::

::ONE HOUR LATER. Terry is at the Full Moon Tavern in Las Vegas. He is sitting at the bar table with a depress look on his face. The bartender approaches him with a smile.::

BARTENDER: Would you like another Corona, Mr. Silver?

TERRY SILVER: No...three is enough for me. Thanks though.

BARTENDER: Anything for an EWA superstar.

::Terry pulls out his wallet from the back of his jean pocket. He opens the wallet and looks through some dollar bills.::

TERRY SILVER: How much do I owe you?

BARTENDER: Don't worry. It's on the house.


::Terry places a one hundred dollar bill on the bar table.::

TERRY SILVER: ...this is for the kind service.

::The bartender smiles and collects the money from the table.::

BARTENDER: Thank you so much, sir. Are you sure there's nothing else I can give you?

TERRY SILVER: Yeah...I think I'm going to call it a night.

::The bartender notices the sadness on Terry's face.::

BARTENDER: You look like you had a rough day. Want to talk about it?

TERRY SILVER: It's about my wife...

BARTENDER: What about your wife?

TERRY SILVER: I was told that she is sleeping with other men...but I don't buy any of that.

BARTENDER: Then why are you worried? You do have faith in your wife...do you?

TERRY SILVER: Yeah...I'm just confused about the whole thing. Part of me believes that she is faithful...the other part believes that she is cheating on me. I guess I am a sucker for a woman who's too good to be true.

BARTENDER: You should think more about your upcoming match at Terror. That should get your mind off personal things.

TERRY SILVER: Yeah, you're right. I have my first title defense, and I am looking forward to it.

BARTENDER: Good luck, kid.

TERRY SILVER: Yeah, thanks...

::The bartender walks away from Terry to serve some more drinks to other customers. Terry is left thinking to himself. All of a sudden, a beautiful female voice emerges from the stage of the tavern. An unknown woman is singing "My Heart Will Go On" by Celine Dion.::

UNKNOWN FEMALE VOICE: "Every night in my dreams
I see you, I feel you,
That is how I know you go on.

Far across the distance
And spaces between us
You have come to show you go on."

::Terry stops thinking to himself. He begins to pay a little more attention to the music.::

UNKNOWN FEMALE VOICE: "Near, far, wherever you are
I believe that the heart does go on
Once more you open the door
And you're here in my heart
And my heart will go on and on."

::Terry becomes even more interested in the person singing the song.::

Terry being curious.

::Terry turns around to face the stage, and he cannot believe his eyes after finding out the identity of the person singing the song. The person is none other than Geneva Vosloo (Mina's younger sister). Terry notices the attention Geneva is receiving from the crowd at the tavern. Geneva is wearing a black/hot pink sleeveless top, a long black skirt with a long split on the left side and a pair of black pumps. There is a small band behind Geneva, and Geneva is in front of the band as she looks directly at Terry.::

GENEVA VOSLOO: "Love can touch us one time
And last for a lifetime
And never let go till we're one

Love was when I loved you
One true time I hold to
In my life we'll always go on."

Geneva sings.

::Geneva smiles at Terry, and Terry returns the warm smile.::

GENEVA VOSLOO: "Near, far, wherever you are
I believe that the heart does go on
Once more you open the door
And you're here in my heart
And my heart will go on and on.
There is some love that will not go away.

You're here, there's nothing I fear,
And I know that my heart will go on
We'll stay forever this way
You are safe in my heart
And my heart will go on and on."

::After Geneva ends the song, she gets a huge round of applause from the crowd. Terry, however, is giving her a standing ovation.::

::TEN MINUTES LATER. Terry and Geneva ENTER a small bright red room of the tavern.::

GENEVA VOSLOO: Have a seat.

::Terry sits down on the couch. He looks around the room.::

TERRY SILVER: What is this place?

GENEVA VOSLOO: This is the Red Room where...

::Geneva closes the door.::

GENEVA VOSLOO: ...anything can happen..

::Terry does not understand why Geneva closed the door.::

TERRY SILVER: Why did you shut the door?

::Geneva seductively walks to the couch where Terry is at.::

GENEVA VOSLOO: I want to make sure that I feel comfortable in this room.

TERRY SILVER: Comfortable doing what?

::Geneva sits down next to Terry and crosses her legs so he can see her thigh.::


::Terry immediately knows that Geneva wants to seduce him.::

TERRY SILVER: Look, Genie. I know that it is none of my business, and I am not trying to judge you...but I know what went on between you and Deacon.


TERRY SILVER: Yes. Deacon told me everything...and he regretted it.

GENEVA VOSLOO: I wasn't trying to break up a happy home.

TERRY SILVER: But you might have.

GENEVA VOSLOO: Look. There are some things about me you don't know of. Okay? I was sexually abused by Seph and Vince.

TERRY SILVER: So you brainwashed Deacon into sleeping with you?

GENEVA VOSLOO: I didn't brainwash him.

::Geneva sighs.::

GENEVA VOSLOO: Okay, I'll admit it. I was wrong about the whole thing. Ashley is a good woman, and Deacon is so lucky to have her.

TERRY SILVER: Listen. Just forget about the whole thing. Deacon was wrong. You were wrong. Lets just leave it behind.

::Geneva nods.::

TERRY SILVER: You have a good voice. Are you in the music business?

GENEVA VOSLOO: Yeah...sorta. Vince is helping me. Every week, I come here to sing popular songs on the stage.

TERRY SILVER: Written any?

GENEVA VOSLOO: I'm working on one.

::Suddenly, they hear someone banging on the door. Geneva becomes worried.::

GENEVA VOSLOO: Oh, shit! Don't tell me it's him.


SEPHIROTH LUNAR (V.O.): Genie, open this door now!


TERRY SILVER: You mean Sephiroth?

GENEVA VOSLOO: Yes, go hide before he sees you here.

TERRY SILVER: Why should I hide from him for? I'm not afraid of him.

::The door breaks open, and Sephiroth Lunar (Genie's boyfriend) ENTERS. Only this time, Sephiroth is not alone. The rest of the Gorriors also ENTER the room. The remaining Gorriors are Morgue Von Glower, Tekko Moon and Jacob Psyches. All of them are wearing dark Gothic clothes.::

(left to right) Jacob Psyches, Morgue Von Glower, Sephiroth Lunar and Tekko Moon

::After they barged in, Geneva and Terry quickly stand up. Sephiroth stares directly at Terry.::

SEPHIROTH LUNAR: Genie, who's this?

GENEVA VOSLOO: This is Terry...a friend.

SEPHIROTH LUNAR: You're not fucking my woman, are you?


SEPHIROTH LUNAR: Good...and if I catch you in the same room with her again...you will get a one way ticket to the hospital.

::Sephiroth grabs Geneva by the arm.::

SEPHIROTH LUNAR: You're coming with me.

::Sephiroth forces Geneva out of the room. The Gorriors and Geneva EXIT. Terry cannot believe what went on.::

TERRY SILVER: This is one wacky night.

::TEN MINUTES LATER. A huge argument is taking place in front of the Full Moon Tavern. Morgue is having a verbal dispute with his father, Friederich Von Glower. Friederich is wearing an all black Armani suit with a pair of black Victorian shoes. The Gorriors and Geneva are crowding around the altercation. It is unclear as to what is being said in the argument because Friederich and Morgue are yelling at each other simultaneously, and the Gorriors are mocking Friederich. Terry APPEARS from the tavern. He sees the altercation and silently laughs at the dysfunctional family. As he is in the process of walking away, he looks up at a high window of another building. At the window, a man wearing all black and dark shades is aiming a red lighted pistol at the direction of the argument. Terry follows the aim and notices that a red dot is touching the back of Friederich. Terry becomes frantic.::

TERRY SILVER: ::screams:: LOOK OUT!!!

::Terry runs to Friederich and pushes him out of the way. As soon as he does that, the pistol fires, and the bullet ends up hitting the ground. Everyone in the area are on the ground for their safety. They look at Terry in total disbelief.::

::TWO HOURS LATER. In room 710 at the MGM Grand Hotel, Terry is doing push ups on the floor. He is wearing a pair of purple boxers. The door knocks, and Terry gets up from the floor. He opens the door and sees Geneva standing outside.::

GENEVA VOSLOO: May I come in?


::Geneva ENTERS and immediately sits on the bed to make herself comfortable.::

GENEVA VOSLOO: I want to thank you for saving my grandfather's life. I'm not really too fond of him but it's a shame that someone out there is trying to kill him.

TERRY SILVER: Who do you think could be?

GENEVA VOSLOO: My father...

TERRY SILVER: Oh yeah, Navarre Jarreth. Well, you should know the tension between your father and your grandfather.

GENEVA VOSLOO: I would hate to see someone get hurt during this war.

TERRY SILVER: I'm sorry that you and Mina have to be involved.

GENEVA VOSLOO: Yeah...I had to get away from Seph and his friends.

TERRY SILVER: I don't think you should stay long. Tomorrow night, I have to get ready for my match.

GENEVA VOSLOO: Really? Who are you fighting against?


GENEVA VOSLOO: May I interview you, Terry?

TERRY SILVER: I don't think it's a good idea. I'm really tired, and I really want to be prepared for this Hardcore Match.

GENEVA VOSLOO: Oh please? I want to be an interviewer for CWH so bad. It would be great if I had some practice.

TERRY SILVER: I thought you want to be a singer.

GENEVA VOSLOO: I do but if that does not take off, then I'm going to become an interviewer.

::Terry looks at his watch.::

TERRY SILVER: Okay, but you have five minutes.

::Terry grabs a chair and sits down. Geneva and Terry are face to face with each other.::

GENEVA VOSLOO: Did you expect to win the Hardcore title at Massacre?

TERRY SILVER: Honestly, I didn't. I wasn't even scheduled for a match. I went to Massacre to find Max Hell and get him for what he did to Francine. At No Love Lost, he grabbed my wife and attacked her with the Hellbomb. How could a gigantic, monstrous man like Max Hell intentionally hurt a 117 lb. innocent woman who is far from being experienced in wrestling? My wife did what any victim of Maxcam would do. She stood up for herself and tried to get back at Max for stalking her. Unfortunately, that plan backfired, and she ended up in the hospital. My anger was so intense that I had to show up at Massacre. I had to find Max for what he did to Francine. I didn't care if he had backup. I didn't care if I had to go through the other Reign of Terror members. I finally got to Max and kicked his ass. Every beating I gave him symbolizes my love for Francine and the things I would do to fight for her honor. Then, Misery saw me at ringside. He challenged me to a match for the Hardcore gold...and it ironically was his biggest mistake. I accepted the challenge and ended up walking out of Philadelphia as the new EWA Hardcore Champion. To be truthful, I didn't really care about winning the Hardcore gold. All I cared about was fighting for what happened to Francine. I just wanted to brutalize any member of RoT. But I guess I got extra lucky when not only did I got my hands on Max...but I defeated Misery for the Hardcore Title as well..

GENEVA VOSLOO: At Terror, you have a title defense against Hazard. What are your opinions on Hazard?

TERRY SILVER: I have a lot of respect for the guy. When he first entered EWA, he had one main focus, and that was to become the EWA Hardcore Champion. He was willing to go through the extreme and risk his health even as a rookie. I admire that. The reason why I admire that is because I was like him when I was a rookie. I wanted to go through what the big names went through during that time. I wanted to prove that I was extreme. Now, I've proven that I am extreme. Going back to Hazard, I see a very bright future ahead of him, and he can very well become the next Hardcore Champion. However, I am not saying that he will defeat me. I am not saying that I will go easy on him because I respect him and he is a rookie. All I am saying is I will do my best to retain my title. If he beats me, that means he is the better man in the match on that night. But if I beat him, well, better luck for him next time.

GENEVA VOSLOO: You may respect the guy but I am not sure if he respects you. In his last promo, he kept calling you names like "Silverfish". What is your response to that?

TERRY SILVER: I guess he wanted to intimidate me which didn't work of course. I really do not care if he wants to call me names. This sport is all about being aggressive in order to get the things you want. I admire the fact that Hazard is working extra hard to get what he wants, and that is the EWA Hardcore gold. He was just trying to be intimidating but...he has to do a lot better than that.

GENEVA VOSLOO: Is the war between you and Reign of Terror over?

TERRY SILVER: It is far from over. It's over until Reign of Terror is off the EWA map. Misery probably has more problems with me than any other wrestlers in EWA. Frankly, I don't give a shit. And I heard rumors that Misery wants a stable match at the next pay-per-view. I am ready to fight Misery and his RoT goons in any match at any event.

GENEVA VOSLOO: Good luck in your match against Hazard. I hope you become victorious again.

TERRY SILVER: Thank you.

GENEVA VOSLOO: How is Francine by the way?

TERRY SILVER: She's healing very fast.

GENEVA VOSLOO: That's good to hear.

::Geneva and Terry smile at each other. Geneva, all of a sudden, grabs her shirt and removes it from her body to reveal her bare breasts. Terry quickly looks away.::

TERRY SILVER: Don't do this, Genie.

GENEVA VOSLOO: Why not? Don't you want to look?

TERRY SILVER: You're a beautiful young woman...but I'm a married man.

GENEVA VOSLOO: Francine is not going to know. And we all know that she fucked Rodney and Troy during her breaks.

::Terry looks at Geneva and becomes angry.::

TERRY SILVER: You believe that shit too?

GENEVA VOSLOO: It's not a secret in CWH, Ter.

TERRY SILVER: That's it!

::Terry abruptly gets up from the chair. He glares at Geneva.::

TERRY SILVER: I am tired of everyone lying about my wife.

::Terry grabs Geneva and her shirt. He forces an emotional Geneva out of the hotel room along with her shirt, and shuts the door. Terry sits on the bed and thinks.::

To Be Continue...