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Thanks for your support & contribution, Sincerely M.O.C

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MISSIONOutreach Center

The Mexico Outreach Center exists to provide opportunities for people to experience the love, grace and power of God through a variety of opportunities and experiences. It is our desire that all who have contact with the Mexico Outreach Center will gain a clear understanding of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, and see how their acceptance or rejection of Him will impact their lives now and throughout Eternity.




We believe in Christ’s great commission to the Church to “go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and teaching them to observe all that I commanded you”.  (Matthew 28:19-20)

With the help and blessing of the Holy Spirit we will strive to promote, support and encourage spiritual growth among our brothers and sisters in Christ who live in Mexicali, Mexico. It is also our desire to see many more people come into a relationship with Jesus Christ and become strong influences in their homes, churches and community, exhibiting the same love to one another that God has shown each one of us.

Mexicali Baja California | English to Spanish Translation | Literacy & Evangelism International

National Network of Youth Ministries | Washington State

Thank you for visiting

Dave & Julie Hylland

Mexicali, Baja California Norte, PHONE:  360.739.8686, EMAIL:  MEXICALIOC@HOTMAIL.COM

Web Design by Emanuel Bolds

Dave & Julie Hylland, Copyright © 2002 [Mexico Outreach Center]. All rights reserved. Revised: July 02, 2003.


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