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Marapray is a kingdom, the Middle Kingdom of Sphera, sister to earth. Home of the Knights and Ariad Mages, Marapray is under the touch of a prophecy... a prophecy that the Four will return to save the world from the darkness of the Knarr and the faerie's malice... Four humans who have control over the Four elements,

Hello, all, and welcome to Empire Marapray! This website is under HEAVY construction, as Chelsea and Liz (the amazing, talented, marvelous and beautiful and yet still amazingly humble webmistresses) struggle with their enemy, the Evil HTML. Anyways, yeah, we're writing a novel and that's kinda the basis of this website: the written word. We have a section with our poems and short stories, fan sections for our favourite authors, and even a place for you all to share YOUR amazing writing. Yup. Just scroll up and follow the links!

Bother us! Write messages in our Guestbook! We may even respond *gasp!* (Imagine that?)

View My Guestbook
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Yet ANOTHER way of bothering us! E-mail us. Tell us about your problems. Yell at us. Yeah, insult us, say our website is crap... it amuses us. Gleeheehee Click Here! (by the way, this is actually Chelsea's e-mail but she'll make sure Liz gets it too... HEEEE)


July 11 Wow. It's been a while since anyone has done anything. Ok, Chelsea added her Info page again, i screwed mine up and i added a fanlistings page... WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOA! Lots. I still need to work on the blasted page but at least it's up. Odd, i'm typing this like someone actually comes to the site. He he he he... We have also lately joined a Tamora Pierce Role Play and it's AMAZING. Oh well, all to say right now,


June 17th Wow. It's been a while since anybody's updated. Not that it really matters, since nobody comes here. WEll, I figured our site was looking... well, frankly, like crap, so I've started giving it a slight make-over. As you can see, we have a new image at the top. Cool, aint it? I also COMPLETELY changed the Tamora Pierce section... only I still need to actually add things to DO there, so it's boring, but at least it's pretty to look at. Just cruise around, I'm sure you'll find something updated.

Love y'all!


May 11 This has absolutely nothing to do with the website! NOTHING AT ALL TO DO WITH THE WEBSITE but my Teenopendiary account isn't working and i had to let it out somewhere... I GOT A CAT!!!!! Say a virtual hello to Nox Tanith Lee who came into my house smelly from "business" on the ride home and whining... she has improved over the last hour but YEAH!!! I GOT A CAT!!! (my old cat was my mom's cat and she was 18 and was put down about a month ago. So yeah . YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!


April 21 Ok. i did something MAJOR!!! I ADDED a NEW PAGE!!! On my Teen Open Dairy. I've started a Graphics diary and i'm uploading them here. Hehe. I did not ask chelsea about this but hey. She'll just have to deal with it. *Sticks tongue out at Chelsea* Ok. That's pretty much all i did. If it eventually takes up too much space i'll put them on a seperate web site. Now How boring are MY updates? Ha I rule i can make graphics now... MMMMM... I love Scott... ... Never... Mind...


April 18Wow. Ok, i was selfish and only updated my own info page but HEY!! it's wasn't working!!! LOL? i had fun thought i almost killed my Diary Description in the ptrocess... oh well.


March 8Ok, hello! Been a while since i was here and i realized that our Creative Outlook page was looking pretty darn tacky. So i decided to make it look like we hadn't just come from the eighties... LoL. That's like all i did. My eyes are hurting i'm tired i'm gonna sleep now...


Febuary 27thYes, I realize that we have February 27th twice, but this time it's Chelsea's updates. Ok... let's see. I've just done some stuff with the layout and backgrounds of stuff... I updated the whole tamora pierce section, new colours, pictures, descriptions etc... stuff like that. Updated the roleplay and a bit of the character section. Still don't have debates or fan art or other stuff open yet. I tell ya people, this is hard work for something no one ever sees! Anyways, we'll keep working on this site slowly, and I'll have our LOTR and Elijah Wood sections up very shortly. But right now I'm going cross-eyes from staring at my computer screen...

-Yummy Shirtz-


Febuary 27thHi! Liz's Page has been re-done by the great Liz herself. Chelsea informed me of her update and reminded me i did indeed have a still working web site. (imagine that) So I was interested and decided to take a look. and WOW!!! i got jealous with what chelsea had done and did some updating of my own woo hoo!!!


February26thYeah, hi. This website is being totally re-done by Chelsea, yeah, me, because I took a sick day and am bored. Yupyupyup. In recent months (yeah, I know, we haven't updated in a LONG LONG time!) I have become desperately obsessed with Elijah Wood and Lord of the Rings so, probably much to Liz's annoyance, I will soon be posting an Elijah Wood fan section and a Lord of the Rings fan section. Of course, Liz adores Lord of the Rings and she thinks Elijah is hott and all, but I'm beginning to think my friends are getting annoyed with me talking about it non-stop... gee imagine that? Anyways, yupyupyup. I SUCK at HTML so if anyone wants to help me, be free to... hehehehe. Liz doesn't know I'm doing this... Not that anyone will read this or anything, my website being stupidy unpopular... yay. Oh, and this handy-dandy brand-spanking-new UPDATES section allows all you people in computer-land to see whether or not we're alive! Woot woot, how entertaining.

-Yummi Shirtz-

~c (that means Chelsea for all you incompetant people. wait. is that how you spell incompetant? does me not knowing how to spell incompetant mean I'm incompetant? yes, well, *ahem* carry on!)