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LX-tro'97 : the unofficial site


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Artist Of The Month
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LX-tro'97 is the unofficial site of Elektro'97 UNDIP. Feel free to browsing around. If you're also an Elektro'97-ers, have you join the official newsgroup for Elektro'97? Send blank e-mail here.

Gue lagi nyari data judul KP/TA yang pernah diambil anak Elektro'97. I need your help to fill it here...

What's New

October 22, 2002
bulletLX-tro'97 is updated. Added 'Surat Pembaca', check it out at BLOK page. 'Rangsangan Adrenalin' at Intermezzo page. Buku Banteng is coming REAL.
bulletArtist Of The Month removed from right-bar. Transformed to Advertisement 'bout Elektro'97 stuff.

What's Old 

July 8, 2002
bulletLX-tro'97 is updated. Updated date system, now with monthly Happy Birthday to :... (uses JavaScript, so you better let that Java Enabled thing 'on'). Added Add/Edit Personnel Data form on Comments section, plus some other minor updates.
bulletChanged marquee text to What's On

July 1, 2002
bulletLX-tro'97 is updated. Added Hacker-Test at Intermezzo section. What are you in this cyber-world: Computer Illiterate, a User, an Operator, a Nerd, a Hacker, a Wizard, or even a Guru !? You better check it your self.
bulletAdded Japanese date, thanks to The Japanese Page. Sorry if the Home page is full of stuffs... I'm thinking of reducing/distributing these stuffs, but not in a near time...

June 28, 2002
bulletLX-tro'97 is updated. Removed scrolling-status-bar (except for pages with karaoke feature). Added background music, AOM animated GIF. Added hotspot in KKL main image (just trying...)
bulletAdded Intermezzo. The plan is to locate testing purpose on a page, but hey... not just that... it also have fun things! (got one, share with us).
bulletSomeone has just inform me that Fatah starts the 2628 (then Novita is the last 2627). Is this right...? I'm still not sure.

June 23, 2002
bulletLX-tro'97 is updated. Added Buku Banteng section. Updated KKL stories (Bayu versus Monkeys).
bulletPage contains something new!/updated!/external! will be noticed at the Shortcut.

June 20, 2002
bulletLX-tro'97 is updated. Impoved Table Of Content, changed Navigation for Pra Kuliah, Hit Counter and Search Site (FrontPage component) have been removed.
bulletAll pages have been enhanced with background music. For Meteor Garden fans, check out Activity page, it has [Ni Yao De Ai]  by [Penny Dai] (MG closing) and it also have the lyric on it's status bar !!! so you can do karaoke :) [Qing Fei De Yi] of [Harlem Yu] (MG opening) is available at Personnel page children (2626, 2627 and 2628). Avoid scrolling the page while singing, the scrolling-status-bar (lyric) could be interrupted. :(
bulletTried rainbow text script from Angelfire, tell us if you feel it looks pretty silly.

June 18, 2002
bullet LX-tro'97 is updated. Improved Comment section with internal Polling (have a try on this...). It's Angelfire/htmlGEAR exploit time, all feature available are now tested on Comment page.
bulletRegistered to Yahoo! at Science-Electrical Engineering category, and other Search Engine's. Let's see how long will it take to put LX-tro'97 indexed.
bulletAdded FrontPage components: Hit Counter, Search Site, and Table Of Content (TOC-nya koq buruk ya?).

June 17, 2002
bullet LX-tro'97 is updated. Added Shortcut for fast navigation. Search feature is still standard. BLOK section is being developed (Jadwal BLOK and Malam Inaugurasi).

June 10, 2002
bullet LX-tro'97 is updated. Added Search script, though this feature is fully functional, but still not fit in display... why don't you give it a try and suggest us something :)

June 6, 2002
bullet LX-tro'97 is updated. It's gonna be all LYCOS! Starting from Angelfire, Mailcity, htmlGEAR and now even communities (since it's a restricted newsgroup, please send your application to webmaster).
bullet Added Artist Of The Month, Credits and Comments (Feedback, Guestbook and Pooling) page, plus an opening music.

June 4, 2002
bullet LX-tro'97 is uploaded (not finished yet...) to Angelfire.
bullet I just know from Mumu that Awang is also developing a web-site of Elektro'97 UNDIP. Mumu said that it will be magnificent (he even put it on a dot, not a slash).
bullet Check the site soon (after I know the address :) ). Anybody else developing an Elektro'97 UNDIP page, please tell me... We'll group them on our Links page.
bullet note : dot maksudnya dot-com atau dot-net, seperti "". Sedangkan slash maksudnya kaya' web-site ini: numpang, gratis, ada iklan pula; seperti "".

May 24, 2002
bullet Updated personnel data. Added Campus (campus life) and Activity (KKL, KKN, OSPEK, BLOK, etc.) section. 

May 21, 2002
bullet LX-tro'97 : the unofficial site just been developed. The only things that will be displayed here is Elektro'97 UNDIP personnel data. Other will be updated with LX-tro'97. Thanks to Tedy for providing the data.

page version:



Congratulation to Indra and Yulianto... Selamat Menempuh Hidup Baru... ... ... nggak, mereka bukan pasangan homo yang baru menikah koq. :) They're just graduate Elektro '97 and deserved an ST title after their names.

After KFC-Pandanaran, Jimbaran was also the place where the Farewell party held. (Pizza Hut kapan ya?)


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