My Castle

Hello and welcome to my castle. My name is Blackhawk Brightmoon AKA The Lone Wolf. Though Blackhawk is not my real name it is my net Id and I do not hand my real name out over the net. I have have built this page to tell who ever may wonder apon my page a little about myself. Though I will not go into detail about my self here that would be stupid, this is just the cover page, the rest of my page will be one click away for you, were I will have it all just a litte more ogannized for you. This way you wont have any trouble finding the info I put here. Also it is because I love building web pages and since I am building this one in my spare time while talking to friends online I am going to put alot of work into is to keep me entertained. I hope you enjoy my page and find it usefull to understanding who I am though you more than likely wont ever know who I am lol.

Though some of you may not be as patriotic as I am of my country I beg you tolerance as I place a tribute to all those that dies in the 9-11 attack, may they rest in peace.

In tributeto thousethat died

