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Reppin' tha T.dOt!

Webcam pics Of *ME*!!

SoMe nEw PiCs....*!!

*ME* in Wasaga..MAY 24!!

Me, Nic, and Melissa *May 24 Wasaga*!


Us and tha BoYs May 24!*!!

NIc,Me,ChRiS, aNd mEl HALLOWEEN @ LaZzO's... bYPASS tHE lInE bItCh! lol

Me aNd tHa gIrLs GoIng To GrAd NiGhT @ WonDeRlAnD

Me and Nic at Jack Astors...

Me and Melissa at Jack Astors

NiColEtTa and Me at PrOm*!!

*ME* and Georgie at Prom 2003!!

Me at Ramada!

US at 108!

JiAnNa and mE before LaZzO's!

Me on St.Clair

Me and Melissa on St. Clair!

Me, Nic, and Melissa!

Me and Laura @ Downsview Prom

Me and Laura AGAIN!!!!

Jianna And me at my locker(this was our morning routine)

Me and ma girl Nic at semi...lookin' good!

Jianna and Me at semi

U Know I HAD to do dis...Pics of tha $*~DUTTY STALLION~*$ Himself.... *SeAn pAuL*

DuTtY YeAh!!!