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he Life is water in which all of us navigate. And some people sat forth to navigate alone, in their crafts, ships and rafts, and they become victims of even smallest gale...

  And there is a group of people making their own boat. They amalgamate pieces with love. They feel and know that love is strongest binder. And launch it. And sat forth on it. And here they are learning to navigate, and rejoicing in more and more successful and complicate manoeuvre. And they sail on the rivers, sometimes upstream, sometimes downstream. And they sail over seas, over lakes, over oceans. Sometimes against the wind, sometimes along with the wind. Here they are sailing in their own boat, sailing how and where they want, feel and must, listening their own nature...

  And there they are in every harbour, building further their own boat, in every port, to make it stronger for bigger challenges, to enable it for hardest storms...

  And with the time the bind becomes mightier, and ship becomes more powerful...


Sandra & Sasa Kolic    Contact: S.Kolic@EUnet.Yu

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Last modified: April 2002.

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