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Kathryn Grace's Homepage


Lots of Information about me below..

All about me that my parents put together!

Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again as pictures will be added daily!
May God Bless you!
If you are a believer in Christ, do not forget to thank Him for all the good that He has bestowed on you!

If you are not a believer, or are not sure, here is what you should know:
1. God is good. He created all. He is holy.
2. Man is tainted by sin. He is incapable of meeting God's righteous standards and hense is under the penalty of sin - death.
3. Jesus Christ was born to pay the price of sin. He did so by dying on the cross for you and me and rising from the dead to conquer sin and death to make the way to be with God.
4. If you accept that you are a sinner, repent of your sins and accept Christ's sacrifice as the means to reach God, your sins will be forgiven by God and you will have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

You can read what God has for YOU in the Bible and He will tell you the glorious riches in store for you having been born again into the marvellous state of Grace in Jesus Christ!!

Praise be to God, who redeems us from the dark dungeons of death into the everlasting freedom in Christ.
