Eye of the Storm, Part 2: Language Barrier

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“A likely story!” scoffed Harper. Dylan looked at him, “You can understand what they’re saying?” Harper looked confused, “Don’t tell me you never learnt English? You speak Than and Perseid, but not English?” Dylan shrugged, “Never had to learn. Not that many people still use it.” Harper smiled smugly, “HA!”

The first stranger looked at them, confused, “Um, can any of you understand me?” Harper and Rommie looked at him, “Yes!” they replied in English. The stranger seemed to relax, “Look, we come in peace. We’re from a planet called Earth.” Harper smiled, still looking down the sights of his gauss-gun, “I’m from Earth, and most people there speak common. So who are you, and where are you really from?”

The stranger still seamed confused, “My names Colonel Jack O'Neill, United States Air Force.” Rommie looked at him, her eyes hard, and “The United States has not existed for almost 5,000-years”. You might have picked a better cover story.” O'Neill’s face fell, “How long did you say?” Harper looked at him, “What are you, deaf? She said 5,000-years. The United States dissolved after Earth joined the Commonwealth.”

A blond woman stepped past O'Neill, “What year is this?” Harper smiled, noticing her for the first time, “C.Y. 10,088.” She seamed confused, “In the Earth calendar?” Harper did the math's, “Some point in the late 70th century I hazed a guess.” O'Neill trough his cap to the floor, “Damn it Carter! I thought you fixed it so this wouldn’t happen again?” Carter shrugged, “I thought I had. There must have been some sunspot activity. I don’t know how this could have happened.”

A second man stepped forward, “Hi, look, sometimes the Stargate, this device we use to travel between worlds, well, it’s affected by sunspots, and has, in the past, sent us through time. Never this far I admit, but it has happened. And why is that woman looking at him so strangely?” He asked, noticing the look on Rommie’s face. Rommie blinked, shaking her head, “I’m sorry, you look just like someone I once knew.” The man smiled, “Maybe he was a descendant of mine?” Rommie shook her head, “He was an AI, and android.”

Carter was amazed, “You have Artificially Intelligent androids?” Rommie looked at her, “Yes: I’m an AI.” O'Neill was taken aback, “Wow! Never would have guessed!” The forth stranger nodded, “It is indeed an impressive simulation of a normal human.” Rommie shot him a hard glance, “I’m a sentient being, and I’ll have you remember that, especially while you’re on this ship!”

Dylan was stood staring at the apparent conversation going on before him, “Will someone please tell me what’s going on here? I am the captain and all!” Andromeda’s holographic form appeared next to him, “They claim to be explorers from some point in Earth’s history. The leader calls himself Colonel Jack O'Neill, and the blond woman seems to be named Carter. As for the one who looks like Gabriel and the tall one with the golden tattoo on his forehead, they haven’t said.”

O’Neil looked from Rommie to Andromeda and back, “What’s going on here?” Andromeda looked at him, “I am Andromeda, the ships controlling AI.” she held out an arm towards Rommie, “This is my Avatar, Rommie. The man next to me is Captain Dylan Hunt, my commanding officer, and the short man beside you is Seamus Harper, my engineer.” O'Neill nodded, “Well, as I said; I’m Colonel Jack O'Neill, USAF. This is Major Samantha Carter, our physicist, Dr Daniel Jackson, our archaeologist, and the tall one at the back is Teal'c. We’re from the Earth year 2001.” Andromeda translated the new information for Dylan. Harper smiled, his gun still pointed at the newcomers, “Well, I’d say you’re a bit lost.”

Part 3