Old Friends, Part 15: Setting the record straight

Four Drago-Kazov pride warriors where leading the shackled Tyr to the brig when a voice called out, "Hello boys!" They turned to see Mary leaning provocatively against the bulkhead. Before they could decide what to do, Harper caught them from behind, hitting two of them with his Gauss-gun at close range. The last two span round, drawing their weapons. Mary was faster: she drew her forcelance and caught them in the back. She smiled as they hit the deck, "Now THAT was fun."

Tyr was in shock, "That was very well executed. How did you learn to set up an ambush like that?" Mary shrugged, "Try hauling cargo for a living. You get plenty of time to read." Rev Bem un-cuffed Tyr as Harper and Mary dragged the dead Nietzscheans into a nearby room. Tyr relived the bodies of their weapons, "Right, do we have a plan, or are you playing it by ear?"

Harper closed the door on the dead bodies, "We managed to get trough to Dylan: if we can keep the Drago's busy, the Shoulder of Orion is going to knock-out Andromeda's sib-light drive, then board." Tyr nodded, "I suggest we take them out one at a time. Keep them isolated and on edge." Mary laughed, "Way ahead of you on that. We've taken two more down so far." Tyr grinned, "Excellent."

Mary tilted her head to one side, "You don't seem to like them very much?" Tyr shot her a glance, "Drago-Kazov pride all but wiped out Kodiak pride. MY pride. Your pride." Mary had her forcelance under Tyr's chin before his eyes even registered the movement, "Let's get one thing straight: I never have been, and never will be, Kodiak pride. Or any other Nietzschean pride for that matter. I'm human, and I've spent my entire life with people like you looking at me as breeding stock. You want to start a pedigree, get a dog!"

Harper gently placed his hand on Mary's arm, "As much as Tyr annoys me a lot of the time, we need him right now. I suggest we put this anger to a useful purpose, like taking back the ship." Mary swallowed, and slowly lowered her forcelance, "Ok. Let's go." Harper looked at Tyr, "For someone who is always going on about survival instincts, riling someone who's already wiped the floor with you seam's very stupid." Tyr nodded, "If that's the way you feel, I won't mention it again." Only Rev Bem noticed the fear in the Nietzscheans voice.

Tyr span round, "I can hear people approaching: too many of them for us to deal with. We should withdraw." Harper nodded, and pulled an inspection hatch away from the wall, "After you."



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