Old Friends, Part 13: That old Harper magic

Rev Bem was in his quarters praying when Andromeda's holographic form appeared before him, "Rev, listen very carefully, I don't have much time: Drago-Kazov pride have taken over the ship. They've cut my link to Rommie, and have incapacitated Tyr. You have to warn Harper and Mary. I can feel them accessing my controls, trying to shut..." The hologram suddenly disappeared.

Rev sighed: it was times like this that being a monk could be very taxing.

He carefully made his way through the corridors to Harper's room. He tried the access panel, but it was locked from the inside. He pressed the caller. Harpers tired voice came from the speaker, "What?" Rev quickly checked the corridor, "Harper, we have a problem. You have to let me in." Harper sighed, and pulling his dressing gown on, opened the hatch. Rev jumped through and closed it again. Harper rubbed his head sleepily, "What's gotten you so worked up?" Rev handed Harper his shirt, "I just received a warning from Andromeda: Drago-Kazov pride have taken over the ship. Tyr has been captured, and Andromeda can't reach Rommie. The others have gone to visit the Shoulder of Orion."

Mary sat up in bed, "You're telling me that a bunch of Nietzscheans have taken over your ship and it's up to us to take it back?" Rev nodded, "That's about it I'm afraid." Mary smiled as she started to pull her clothes on, "Excellent! Nothing like a good workout to wake you up." She winked at Harper, "That said, I did get plenty of exercise earlier." Harper blushed as he pulled his own clothes on.

The three of them made their way through the service conduit's to the sensor control nexus. Harper was able to cut power to the internal sensors, blinding the Nietzscheans to their location. He turned to Rev and Mary, "Well, if we're lucky, their just think it's a glitch coursed by their work on Andromeda." No sooner had he stoped talking than the intruder-alert sirens started to go off. Harper shrugged, "Or they may twig on straight away. What do we do?"

Mary looked at Harper and Rev, "I say we try and pick them off in one's and two's. If we can separate them from each other, we stand a better chance taking back your ship. Seamus, is there anyway we can talk to the Shoulder of Orion without the Drago's noticing?" Harper nodded, "There might be a way."



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