Old Friends, Part 12: Hijacked

Moving with speed no human could match, Orion grabbed Rommie and stopped her from hitting the ground. She seemed to be convulsing. Dylan's eyes went wide with fear, "What happening to her?" Orion was doing his best to stop Rommie from thrashing out and hurting someone, "The link to her main AI has been jammed! It'll take her a moment to adjust." As if on cue, Rommie stopped shaking. She looked straight at Dylan, her eyes wide, "Ship. Nietzscheans. Drago-Kazov pride." She seemed to pass-out. Dylan and Beka ran for the airlock as Trance and Orion carried the unconscious Rommie between them.

Tyr had been in command, brooding when he heard the hatch open. Thinking it was Harper and Mary, he called out over his shoulder, "Have you two quite finished?" An un-familiar answered, "No, we've only just begun." Tyr span the pilots seat round, and found himself facing a group of heavily armed Nietzscheans. He tried to jump behind the weapons counsel, but the lead Nietzschean fired at the same time.

Tyr felt something strike him dead center in the chest. He looked down, expecting to see blood, but instead a pair of metal prongs, attached to a length of wire, protruded from his stomach. His attacker smiled, "Lights out!" Tyr felt as though his entire body was being consumed by fire, and he blacked-out.

Dylan and Beka reached the airlock just in time to see the Andromeda pull-away. Dylan punched the airlock control panel so hard it mashed, cutting his fingers, "God damn it!" Beka grabbed his arm, "The Maru!" they sprinted along the corridor to the next hatch, and quickly got the battered transport underway. Dylan tapped commands into the Maru's sensor-control panel as fast as he could, "Her slipstream drive is off-line, but she can still out-run us at sub-light." All of a sudden, a shadow fell-over the Maru's cockpit: Beka leaned forward to see what it was.

The Shoulder of Orion hung directly above the Maru, and fired grapples at the smaller ship. Dylan was thrown off his feet as the Shoulder of Orion started to pull the Maru in. Beka released her safety harness, and ran for the airlock. Trance was weighting on the other side, "Come-on! Hurry!" Beka sprinted off towards command, closely followed by Dylan and Trance.

Rommie sat on the floor of command, her head between her knees. Dylan knelt down beside her, "Are you ok?" She nodded weekly, "I will be." Smiling, Dylan squeezed her shoulder. He stood as Mark entered command. The young captain turned to Dylan, "Orion told me what's happening. Is there anyway to regain control of your ship from here?" Dylan shook his head, "None: they cut Rommie's connection to the main AI. We have to assume that they have complete control of the Andromeda."



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