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 \\\---Still Johnny Blaze, I just don't Smoke any more----------

Johnny Blaze + Sofia = Love

i love you sofia

     Well, what do you know? I have just updated my website as of July 3, 2003. The original message spoke of a beautiful young woman I met and what my prediction on our relationship is. It still holds true to fact. We have been together just over eleven months, and show no signs of stopping. This is against all odds. I tore myself inside out, as has she, trying to deal with me during my short and sweet college experience. This was not typically what I thought would occur, yet it did. The dark depths of student life on campus got to me. I rebelled against the system. I did not attend my classes but for a few times and for a few specific reasons. I got involved with the underground ideals of the others who where frustrated but, never the less, complacent with there positions. Deals upon deals of drugs. Drugs only helped in sending me further down the vortex of death.

    If not for my will and the path my life was to inevitably take I may have died in the end. After eight months of being a slave to my thoughts inspired by the "ruler", Drugs, I went back to the state I was raised in. Washington was cold, dismal, and solemn as I arrived. I could barely see through my windshield, and was strung out from driving the distance from Naples, Florida to Seattle, Washington in a period of less than four days. It took me three more months to realize what the hell I was doing to myself. I was killing myself slowly and surely because I wasn't facing the truth. The truth is, I am an addict. In order to survive I must face that reality headlong and with diligence. I must believe there truly is a higher power other than the drugs which were ruling my existence until I changed. I must truly believe there is a higher power other than myself, which was, until recently, a highly saturated sponge of mind altering substances. Boy, that was hard to get out!

    She was right. Sofia is the winged goddess of victory Nike. She helped me as a pure soul should. She guided me through the process of recovery when I was using, and still, onwards she flew above my shoulder when I ignored the fact that she knew better than me.

    "The Factory", was written from the perspective of one young man who saw his own journey in a way that caused him to be detached and isolated. Undeniably, he constructed this view of college life simply to expose the truth. This particular college is an infant compared to many, not even ten years old. It models as a useful telescope into the future of our younger generations.

    "The Factory" <))))> View the story. 

The Factory- Quick Index

P2. P3. P4. P5.
P6. P7. P8. P9. P10.
Pertinent Photographic Evidence is in Development: pages 6-10

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This is a link to BLAZEN. It is an informative website in development.


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