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About Me


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Damn.. I don't know what should I say.. I'm so out of idea. Anywhere I'll tell you a little of myself.

Name:  James Lio Siang Wei
DOB:   14/8/1982
Race:    Chinese
Teaching:  Christianity (Roman Catholic to be Exact)  
Favorite Food: Tons of them on of them is peanut and the list goes on
Favorite Sport: Hell I don't know I just like jogging that is all
Favorite pastime: I'm doing it right now
Favorite band: Actually got new girlfriend her name is Rebecca Winebrenner!!
Einstein, Bill Gate and last but not least Duke Nukem
Future: I wannabe a PROGRAMMER... Sound like freak or jerk but it is okay I love jerk and freak/*
              HOLD A SECOND..... Now I'm studying as a CIVIL ENGINEER hehe better pay then ordinary
              Programmer GOOD WORK JAMES!! */
ICQ Number: 178680213
Email: ihatedspam<no_spam> Remove the <no_spam> if you want to email me
MSN: (Update when I change email okay Marianne Good luck in your job!!)
Tel Number: 60-82-577361
Home Address: Email me first and maybe I'll give it to you :-)

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This site was last updated 09/11/04