The Intelligent Killer Lovely Network

Well, I have come to a very important decision now. I am transforming the Intelligent Killer Lovely Network into basically an internet storage house for developing fanfiction stories. This make work out, and it may not, but it sure beats the shit out of not having anything good or updated on here ever. There will still be a movies page and a music page, and you can still get to the message board and my diary, but there won't be any of this silliness anymore. So there. And why? Because I say so.

Much love, and keep working!, Sphere.

Updated: 1 April, 2004

Go to these places!

Movies! Yowza!
Music! Yayyay!
Message Board! Go! Go!
Online Diary! Know All My Secrets!!! (NEW)
Fanfiction! Yippee!
All About Me, man.