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THE LIGHT Immaculata's Newletter

Welcome to Immaculata High School's News Page.

Remember Immaculata's Light, our student newsletter, which kept us informed of the comings and goings at IHS? Well, at this site we will keep you up-to-date of the wide of array of websites that our alma mater has inspired.


Here are the latest rumors and facts about IHS Reunions that are coming your way. If the Reunions of the past five years got you talking then the next few years are set to be bigger and better with more alum attending than in the past. Get ready!! Meanwhile here’s a review tidbits of the past.

The Classes from 1955 through 1965 planned a weekend long reunion in the Catskills of New York.

Several classmates are reporting some Silver Anniversary Reunion for several classes including 1982, 1983 and 1986 . This reunion is gearing up for the Spring 2004. If you are interested in learning more information visit their website is listed below.

There is a rumor that the Class of 1987 has started the process for their Twentieth Anniversary Reunion in 2007. For more information on the details for this reunion visit the website “Immaculata Revisited”.

Great News!! IHS Teacher, Tom Dorso, leaked the news of a reunion for the Class of 1983 planned in 2003.


We are happy to report that all of the Reunions held 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2007 have been outstanding successes. The organizers are to be applauded for their hard work and dynamic efforts to pull off these celebrations. Click on the Reunions link below for upcoming reunions in 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011.

Here are some whispers to heighten your interest. The 1982 Reunion Party held at a community center on the trendy upper Westside of Manhattan near the Planetarium and Central Park West. Families and friends gathered for a terrific evening of old memories while making new ones in an intimate atmosphere. For a peek at the party visit the website listed here. Rumor about this reunion is to look for a “Prom-Like” Reunion.

The Decade Reunion for 1969 through 1979 classmates was an overwhelming and still talked about success. Visit the Decade Reunion website loaded with photos and tidbits of the reunion. It is worth the visit! See who was there and share the celebration. Over 200 alumni gathered in Little Italy for the event. For more exciting news click on their website link.

The Class of 1968 gathered in November 2002 in Queens New York. Check out the link for photo memories of the reunion party. The buzz on the party was that it played like the song “See you in September”.


If you are looking to reconnect with your friends at Immaculata High check out the guest books, on "Immaculata High Memories" . To date this is the largest IHS website with guest books, classmates' email links and reunion news.

The BIGGEST NEWS is Immaculata High School member pages on the popular website have contacted us announcing their hope to have other IHS alumni joining the Immaculata High School Reunion, Alumni and News members. Click on the link below for one of the member link.

Join us as we venture back to our fun days. It won't cost you anything. Best fact about all is that these sites are created by fellow classmates uniting us under the Immaculata High School Banner!

(c) IHS NYC 2002-2008 All Rights Reserved.

News Items You Will Find Here

  • Upcoming Reunions
  • News About Immaculata
  • Ways to Remember IHS
  • Ways to reconnect with old friends

Immaculata High School Web Sites:

Immaculata Revisited
IHS on
Check Out IHS Reunions
Immaculata Website Links
'69 thru '79 Reunion Photos
1982 Reunion Photos
*1968 Class Reunion in 2008*
'55 to '65 Weekend Reunion
1979 Class Reunion
