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Fantasy Wrestling Federation

FwF Roleplay!

Danny Blake









The X-Men, Marsham and Kincaid

"The Idol" Vs. Toxic

World Title!

Just in responce to Marshams really. Nothing special.


:\\Full credit goes to Belgarath and for creating this really cool layout! The banner at the top was made by me though :)! Please don't be offended by anything i say in this roleplay, you know i don't really mean it. If you don't like me and hate reading my roleplays.... then why are you here? Simply click the X which is located in the top right hand corner of your screen to get the hell out of here okai? Peace... enjoy the roleplay. ://



















Whilst Justin Marsham entertains the crowd with his excellent microphone skills, "The Idol" Cobi Deekins is watching and listening to everything Marsham is saying on the flat screen T.V in the backstage area. He folds his arms and begins to rub his chin.

Cobi Deekins. Cobi, Cobi, Cobi. You are going to be disappointed. If Ryan Kincaid beats me for the Prime Time title, you want him to defend it against you? You're making a challenge to someone who doesn't even have the title yet -- nor will he.

Cobi seems to find what Justin Marsham has just said quite funny. He chuckles to himself a little then listens on.

but, I'm not sure I can fit you into my busy schedule. I'm not sure if I'm booked for a Tag Team title match next week or a Prime Time title defense the following week. But, of course, this schedule only comes with the territory when you carry this much gold. And. there is a lot of responsibility when you are this great, this talented, and this HOT.

Cobi doesn't seem to impressed with Justin Marshams last comment. He unfolds his arms then rests them against his hips thinking of what to say...

Marsham...... Marsham, Marsham, Marsham! I was just going to let all this blow over! But now you've done it! I mean too Hot? Toxic said the same damn thing... well not exactly the same thing... but he said he is better looking than i am... and now you're saying you are too. What is it with people going around saying that they're better looking than me huh? Toxic... why don't you go around saying you're better looking than Chad Gray... or Wayne Clark? I mean i know the women love me, i know the women think i'm a pretty boy... but you? That's enough to make any human being SICK! And i have to stand in that ring with you... i have to go one on one in the middle of the ring against a guy who thinks i'm "pretty" You know what... that's fine, i don't have a problem with "Funny people" Just don't try anything.

Cobi Deekins obviously twisting things here is finding it quite funny. He pauses for a split second before continuing...

On a serious note... Marsham... obviously you wasn't listening to what i was saying... yeah i challenged Kincaid to a match... but, i later went on to say that it didn't even matter if he beats you for the Prime Time title... i still want him one on one! However, if he was to win the match, then you can bet your ass it'll be a title match! That's unless Kincaids afraid to put the title on the line against me!

Suddenly Cobi is interupted! we see a microphone poking him in the top lip. The fans begin to laugh as Cobi looks down to see little Ashley Morris with a huge grin on her face.

Erm... Ashley, can you please lower the mic... thank you!

COBI DEEKINS! Wow, whens the last time i interviewed you? It's been almost 2 months hasn't it? I mean i know i've spoke to you about things in the past recently but i haven't actually interviewed you... so... here we go.

Ummm... sure Ashley you can interview me i mean you don't even have to ask for my permission any more... what's that all about? But seriously sure go ahead.

Well... next Wednesday night, You have your rematch for the World title... I mean i think it's very unusual that The main event has already been signed for Battered... but i suppose they're just going to have to scrap the match signing if you win...

You know what Ashley... the match has already been signed, Chairman Mac probably signed that match knowing that Toxic will walk out the champion having just screwed The Idol Cobi Deekins over thanks to the help of JLX, Mac, Brax... Who else... Kincaid... hey maybe Marsham might even decide to get involved and help screw me over! But that's ok though... everythings cool! I'm expecting something crazy to happen Wednesday night, i won't be surprised whatever the outcome! I'm walking in with the disadvantage, so i guess i'm just gonna have to fight for my life huh Ash?

Well, Yeah, the way you seem to put things i guess you are! So... can we be expecting to see John Krazy return to wrestling action some time in the near future? Word has it he was in the arena last week watching you.

Johnny Krazy... i hate to say it but he's now a retired man! He's in his early 30's and... well he's a cripple! The last time he was in the ring Crimson decided to throw him of the top of the cell, Johnny landed on his back... and well he's lucky to even be walking really! But anyway this is about me not him Ashley, you're going off subject.

Oh... i'm sorry it;s just that i miss seeing John Krazy, i thought he was so cute and cuddely.

Excuse me? Something you're not telling me Ashley? Are you seeing my brother in-law? How old are you?

I'm 29 years old why? And know... we just seemed to get on really well, ever since he stuck up for me when i was attacked by that freak... oh what's him name now, i don't know Justin Dallas... Ewww he was a Freak!

You're that old? Mind you, you do actually look it! No offense though... Listen Ashley... can we do this some other time? I gotta go take care of Amanda now. Baby's due in January...

Arrhh... Though if any names yet?

Well... we wanna be surprised... so we've come up with Eloise for a girl and Owen for a boy... I really have to go now... Book me down for an interview i promise i'll finish it with you!

Cobi heads off down the corridor and into his locker room to collect his belonging. He then races out of the building into the parking lot as the scene slowly fades.

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