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Hail The Rail Clan
"Rail Only Clan"


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Welcome to the HtR Hail The rail Clan Site!

|HtR| Site Underconstruction!!!

Hello, this is <|HtR>|XGoDiSiX [Htr Leader and web-master] the site is going under construction recently and will be updated soon if u have any questions about the site just e-mail me, my e-mail is below and dont forget to sign the "Guest BOOK", visit the "FORUM/MESSAGEBOARD" or go on the htR "LIVE CHAT ROOM" in the home page thank You.

"Its XGoDiSiX i've been away for a while cuz my computer had avirus that ate my bois file which messed up my motherboard, anywayz i'm back."

A merege between HtR "Hail the Rail" and F^C "Faction^Core" may take place, more news will be listed on this site soon. If any questions e-mail me at

HtR are now open for recruitin membes


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